Ishi: Last of His Tribe Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Theodora Kroeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ishi: Last of His Tribe Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Theodora Kroeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Tushi ask Grandmother to do in order to make the time pass while Ishi and Timawi are gone?
(a) To cook and dance with her in the evenings.
(b) To play the stick game with her.
(c) To help her weave a treasure basket.
(d) To tell her tales of when Grandmother was young.

2. How does Ishi attempt to hide Mother from the saldu who enter the village?
(a) He covers her with a cape and blanket.
(b) He hides her in a bush just outside the village.
(c) He takes her with him up into the boughs of the pine tree.
(d) He moves her into the darkness at the very back of the cave.

3. What does Elder Uncle tell Ishi to seek when he leaves Tuliyani?
(a) Guidance from the gods to help him find a wife.
(b) A prayer-place so that he might dream a Power Dream.
(c) The old villages and caves from Grandfather's stories.
(d) Revenge for the death of his father.

4. What does Tushi suggest the gray pine actually is?
(a) The Guardian of Wowunupo.
(b) The beginning of the Trail to the Land of the Dead.
(c) Grandfather's spirit tree.
(d) The Sky Pole.

5. Why is Ishi alarmed by the ditch that the saldu are digging?
(a) The ditch is headed right toward Wowunupo.
(b) The saldu's excavation is polluting the river.
(c) The noise is driving away all of the game that he hunts.
(d) The saldu are destroying valuable food resources.

Short Answer Questions

1. What regret about Timawi doe Tushi express to Ishi?

2. What prediction does Mother make about the New Year?

3. What returns to Ishi after he discovers Lookout Point?

4. What reason does Timawi give to explain why it is acceptable to steal saldu food?

5. What concern does Mother express about Elder Uncle's decision to have Ishi sleep in the men's house?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Ishi go the Black Rock?

2. What does Ishi discover when he returns to the village after he moves Mother?

3. How is Ishi's bow important for his development into manhood?

4. What comment does Grandfather make regarding Ishi's eating after he returns from his journey?

5. Why does Ishi choose not to kill the snow rabbit?

6. How has the relationship between Ishi and Tushi changed since they first came to Wowunupo?

7. Why does Ishi get the privilege of shooting the first deer of the season?

8. What does Tushi refuse to wear the sweetgrass bracelet that Timawi wants to give her?

9. Why does Elder Uncle agree to move into the abandoned bear den in spite of his reservations?

10. How does Tushi's contribution to the move conflict with the traditional expectations that the Yahi have for women?

(see the answer keys)

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