Ishi: Last of His Tribe Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Theodora Kroeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ishi: Last of His Tribe Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Theodora Kroeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is covering the mouth of the cave when they arrive?
(a) Poison oak.
(b) A large rock.
(c) Large planks of wood.
(d) Honeysuckle vines.

2. How do Ishi and Timawi know that they are near a herd of deer?
(a) They can smell the deer.
(b) They see the deer tracks.
(c) They can see the deer through the trees.
(d) They can hear the deer calls.

3. What is difficult about the shot that Ishi had taken at the saldu on horseback?
(a) He was shooting from behind a dense thicket of brush.
(b) He was able to shoot the saldu without harming Tushi.
(c) He was shooting uphill at a moving target.
(d) He was able to shoot him from behind without being seen.

4. How much time has passed at the beginning of The Cave section?
(a) Three days.
(b) Three weeks.
(c) Three years.
(d) Three months.

5. Why is Ishi surprised by the saldu who see him while he is fishing?
(a) The saldu come up behind him out of the forest.
(b) The saldu moved quietly and Ishi did not smell them.
(c) Ishi had been sleeping on the rocks.
(d) Ishi recognizes them.

6. Why does Ishi retrieve his arrow from the tree into which he had misfired?
(a) He does not want any saldu to see it and suspect that there are Yahi nearby.
(b) He is embarrassed that someone will see it and know that his first shot missed.
(c) He wants to keep it as a memento of his first deer.
(d) It takes a lot of work to make an arrow, and the arrowhead is treasured.

7. From Tuliyani, which direction is the Trail to the Land of the Dead?
(a) To the east.
(b) To the north.
(c) To the west.
(d) To the south.

8. What advice does Ishi give Timawi after Timawi suggests that they can force the saldu out of the Bushki village?
(a) He suggests that they plan a late night attack on the saldu cabin.
(b) He says nothing, but hopes that Timawi will forget about the idea.
(c) He suggests that Timawi is thinking with his heart and not his brain.
(d) He suggests that they sleep on it and discuss the issue tomorrow.

9. What does Elder Uncle tell Ishi to seek when he leaves Tuliyani?
(a) A prayer-place so that he might dream a Power Dream.
(b) Guidance from the gods to help him find a wife.
(c) The old villages and caves from Grandfather's stories.
(d) Revenge for the death of his father.

10. Why are Ishi and Tushi convinced that the saldu will discover them if they try to move now?
(a) They are so upset that they would not be able to think clearly.
(b) There are just too many saldu that they would not be able to avoid them.
(c) Mother is not able to walk, so they would not be able to move quickly or quietly.
(d) The ground is covered with snow, so their tracks would be visible.

11. What kind of place does Ishi find for the location of the new village?
(a) A beach area along the riverside.
(b) An abandoned saldu cabin.
(c) A well-hidden clearing in the forest.
(d) An abandoned grizzly bear den.

12. Why do Ishi and his family smile when they hear the rush and roar of the wind coming down the canyon?
(a) They know that the winds will drive the animals down into the canyon.
(b) They know that they winds are the spirits of Yahi ancestors.
(c) They know that the winds mean that spring has arrived.
(d) They know that the winds will destroy the saldu settlement.

13. What purpose is served by the pinecones that come from the gray pine?
(a) The pinecones serve no practical purpose.
(b) They use them to trap squirrels.
(c) They use the pine resin to repair the roof of the shelter.
(d) They eat the pine nuts and use the cones as fuel for the fire.

14. After Ishi returns from his journey, what does he notice about Timawi?
(a) Timawi treats him as more of an equal.
(b) Timawi is restless and ready to go on his own journey.
(c) Timawi is not happy and keeps to himself.
(d) Timawi is happy to see Ishi return.

15. According to Grandfather, why must a bow never be left standing?
(a) It may be knocked over and broken.
(b) It is a bad omen and will attract evil spirits.
(c) It is too easily seen by the enemy and will be attacked.
(d) It will sweat and become weak; the bow needs rest just like the hunter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What makes Ishi's new look out point better than Black Rock?

2. What do the marks on Ishi's harpoon represent?

3. According to the Yahi creation story, how did creation begin?

4. Why do Elder Uncle and Ishi spend time observing the elk?

5. What concern does Mother express about Elder Uncle's decision to have Ishi sleep in the men's house?

(see the answer keys)

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