Ishi: Last of His Tribe Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Theodora Kroeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ishi: Last of His Tribe Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Theodora Kroeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Cave Section 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Tushi ask Grandmother to do in order to make the time pass while Ishi and Timawi are gone?
(a) To cook and dance with her in the evenings.
(b) To tell her tales of when Grandmother was young.
(c) To play the stick game with her.
(d) To help her weave a treasure basket.

2. What reason does Timawi give to explain why it is acceptable to steal saldu food?
(a) The saldu do not live according to the Way, so their possessions do not belong to them.
(b) The saldu hunt Yahi food, so they might as well eat saldu food.
(c) The saldu have so much that they will never notice the loss of a couple of lambs.
(d) The saldu have taken Yahi lives and land, so they owe the Yahi at least a little food.

3. Why does Ishi not tell Elder Uncle or Mother about his visits to Black Rock?
(a) If he tells them, they will want to go with him.
(b) They have told him repeatedly not to go there.
(c) He knows they would worry, and they already have enough to worry about.
(d) Ishi is afraid that they would make fun of him.

4. What does Ishi decide to seek when he leaves Tuliyani?
(a) Guidance from the gods to help him find a wife.
(b) The old villages and caves from Grandfather's stories.
(c) A prayer-place so that he might dream a Power Dream.
(d) Revenge for the death of his father.

5. How do Ishi and Timawi know that they are near a herd of deer?
(a) They can smell the deer.
(b) They can see the deer through the trees.
(c) They can hear the deer calls.
(d) They see the deer tracks.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Elder Uncle purify Ishi of any danger that might have followed him from the spirit world?

2. How does Timawi respond to Elder Uncle's suggestion that he teach Ishi about what he had done wrong?

3. Why do Ishi and his family smile when they hear the rush and roar of the wind coming down the canyon?

4. Why does Ishi wander away when he is supposed to be watching over Tushi?

5. According to the Yahi creation story, how did creation begin?

(see the answer key)

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