Ishi: Last of His Tribe Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Theodora Kroeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ishi: Last of His Tribe Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Theodora Kroeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through To the Edge of the World Section 4.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Elder Uncle, Timawi, and Ishi find when they return to the beaver dam?
(a) The dead horse and rider.
(b) The injured horse and a dead rider.
(c) The dead horse, but no rider.
(d) Empty boxes and equipment, but no horse or rider.

2. What advice does Elder Uncle give to the tribe after Timawi expresses his anger with Ishi for letting the saldu escape?
(a) Everyone makes mistakes, and they should forgive others.
(b) Timawi is an outsider and has no right to express his opinion.
(c) They should find a new place for hiding.
(d) They should not let their fear and anger turn them against one other.

3. How does Timawi respond to Elder Uncle's suggestion that he teach Ishi about what he had done wrong?
(a) Timawi takes the request seriously and promises to be a good teacher.
(b) Timawi is refuses to help with the search or to teach Ishi.
(c) Timawi is flattered by Elder Uncle's request and agrees.
(d) Timawi is ashamed and refuses "to teach or to boast."

4. Why does Ishi shoot the hat off the saldu who is climbing up the trail?
(a) He does not want to kill anyone unless he is forced to.
(b) He sees the color of the hat and mistakes it for an animal.
(c) He cannot see through the brush, so he is not able to aim.
(d) He is so nervous that he cannot take aim.

5. What does Mother think the kind saldu wanted to do?
(a) To change her bandages.
(b) To carry her somewhere.
(c) To offer her some water.
(d) To find some food for her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the next group of saldu leave in the cave when they return to look for Mother?

2. According to Majapa, why had he and his friend come to the Yahi world after the heat moons?

3. Why does Ishi not take the basket of Tushi's that Majapa offers him?

4. By the time that Ishi and Tushi see the saldu at the marsh, how long have the Yahi been in hiding?

5. How does Ishi know that the saldu have made it to the ledge of their village?

(see the answer key)

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