Isak Dinesen: The Life of a Storyteller Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Judith Thurman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Isak Dinesen: The Life of a Storyteller Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Judith Thurman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Isak Dinesen: The Life of a Storyteller Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book One Tanne Chapters 9-14: Countess Daisy; First Tales; Love, Humble and Audacious; Rue; La Valse Mauve; Noble Prospects.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With whom did Dinesen fall in love?
(a) Hans Blixen.
(b) Henry Braun.
(c) Hank Brauer.
(d) Hiram Blunt.

2. Dinesen's mother came from a family of ___________________.
(a) self-made millionaires.
(b) musicians.
(c) athletes.
(d) sculptors.

3. Dinesen found that female students at the Copenhagen Royal Academy ____________________.
(a) dropped out more frequently than males.
(b) swooned easily at their male instructors.
(c) were treated as if they were biding their time until marriage.
(d) were more likely to study on weekends.

4. What relation was Dinesen's fiance to the man she loved?
(a) His uncle.
(b) His school friend.
(c) His twin brother.
(d) His cousin.

5. What did Dinesen and her fiance plan to establish in the country in #52?
(a) A school.
(b) A travel company.
(c) A publishing company.
(d) A farm.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which friend injected some liveliness into Dinesen's life during this time?

2. Most of Dinesen's work was set in the __________________ or earlier.

3. What subject did Dinesen study at the Copenhagen Royal Academy?

4. What pen name did Dinesen adopt?

5. With whom did Dinesen spend most of her time during her childhood?

(see the answer key)

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