Isaac's Storm: A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Erik Larson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Isaac's Storm: A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Erik Larson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Isaac's Storm: A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are swimsuits made from in 1900?
(a) Mohair.
(b) Canvass.
(c) Cotton.
(d) Silk.

2. Roofs in Galveston are shingled in ___________.
(a) Wood.
(b) Cork.
(c) Slate.
(d) Tin.

3. Where does Moore recommend fishermen should remove their nets ahead of the storm?
(a) New Jersey.
(b) Maine.
(c) Florida.
(d) North Carolina.

4. Where do the American forecasters think the storm is headed?
(a) Texas coastline.
(b) Atlantic coast.
(c) Out to sea.
(d) Haiti.

5. Who is William Stockman?
(a) U.S. forecast official in Havana.
(b) Chief of the U.S. Weather Bureau.
(c) Secretary of the Department of Agriculture.
(d) Ambassador to Cuba.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the newest member of Isaac's staff the summer of 1900?

2. What does Italian physicist Evangelista Torricelli discover?

3. The barometer reading Joseph takes the night before the storm is ____________.

4. Where did Isaac earn a college degree?

5. For what will the summer of 1900 be remembered?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the Galveston newspaper advertise as being the chic look for the summer of 1900?

2. How does Moore treat the weather forecasting being done in Cuba?

3. What was Isaac's childhood like?

4. Why does hail become an obsession of Isaac's?

5. How does Larson describe the center of a hurricane?

6. What does Isaac observe when he goes to the beach the morning of the storm?

7. What does Captain J. W. Simmons of the Pensacola experience after his ship leaves Galveston the morning of the hurricane?

8. What is Galveston like in 1900?

9. What kind of man does the narrator describe Isaac to be?

10. What did the crew of Captain William Seymour's ship experience in the eye of a storm in 1837?

(see the answer keys)

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