Isaac S Storm: The Drowning of Galveston Test | Final Test - Easy

Erik Larson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Isaac S Storm: The Drowning of Galveston Test | Final Test - Easy

Erik Larson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Isaac S Storm: The Drowning of Galveston Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Isaac visited some merchants whom he told to raise their products how high off the floor because there could be some minor flooding?
(a) 1 foot.
(b) 10 inches.
(c) 3 feet.
(d) 5 feet.

2. Who was a new employee at the Galveston weather station that found himself alone in the office?
(a) Bat Masterson.
(b) John Blagden.
(c) William B. Stockman.
(d) Captain J. W. Simmons.

3. Which of Louise Hopkins's siblings made it home last, with water up to his underarms?
(a) Samantha.
(b) Elanor.
(c) Jeffrey.
(d) Mason.

4. Where did a train from Houston to Galveston become stalled?
(a) Tulsa, Oklahoma.
(b) Austin, Texas.
(c) Texas City, Texas.
(d) Roswell, New Mexico.

5. The wind was measured at what speed from the Galveston weather station in Part IV: Cataclysm?
(a) 135 mph.
(b) 110 mph.
(c) 160 mph.
(d) 95 mph.

6. Isaac privately wished he would have brought his family __________ for their safety during the storm.
(a) St. Mary's Orphanage.
(b) To his office.
(c) The Bolivar Lighthouse.
(d) Dallas.

7. What rabbi was shocked to see all the people walking away from the beach and carrying personal items with them in Part III: Spectacle?
(a) Matthew Cohen.
(b) Henry Cohen.
(c) Matthew Lithburg.
(d) Rodney Maher.

8. Isaac visited the Levy Building and looked out over the vista where he could see that the spot that ____________ had once stood was now just all white beach.
(a) The Bolivar Lighthouse.
(b) The Giles Mercantile Agency.
(c) St. Mary's Orphanage.
(d) The Houston Post.

9. Which of Louise Hopkins's siblings arrived home first?
(a) Barry.
(b) Mark.
(c) John.
(d) Robert.

10. Isaac was bothered the most by Willis Moore's statement in the letter that Galveston had received warnings and that Isaac's office had ordered _______________.
(a) A full evacuation.
(b) Building walls of sandbags.
(c) Hurricane warning flags.
(d) No evacuation.

11. Isaac Cline's house was built with what components to prevent flooding?
(a) Pumps.
(b) Fans.
(c) Floats.
(d) Stilts.

12. The manager of the phone company was finally able to get Joseph Cline in touch with whom?
(a) A Western Union station.
(b) The Houston Post.
(c) St. Mary's Orphanage.
(d) The Giles Mercantile Agency.

13. By what date does the author write that the streets of Galveston were cleaned, there were no pyres, the decomposition odor had lifted and new construction was everywhere?
(a) September 5, 1902.
(b) January 19, 1904.
(c) December 31, 1900.
(d) March 20, 1903.

14. There was great concern that ________ would have a mental breakdown after his wife's body was found.
(a) Bat Masterson.
(b) Edmund Halley.
(c) Judson Palmer.
(d) Henry Howgate.

15. Louise Hopkins was playing with which friend in the yard when they began to see debris and water rushing down the streets?
(a) Wilma.
(b) Melissa.
(c) Martha.
(d) Jennifer.

Short Answer Questions

1. Galveston was the victim of two storm surges, one from the Gulf and one from ____________.

2. In Part IV: Cataclysm, a telegram was sent from the weather station where to the Chief of the US Weather Bureau in Washington, DC, informing him that they had lost all contact with the Galveston office?

3. When Isaac finally reached home in Part III: Spectacle, his yard was already how deep in water?

4. By evening, Judson Palmer estimated that the water in his yard was how deep?

5. The train coming from Beaumont, Texas, into Galveston during the storm was traveling along the flooded tracks of what?

(see the answer keys)

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