Iron & Silk Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Mark Salzman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Iron & Silk Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Mark Salzman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What problem did Salzman encounter when he tried to leave China by train at the beginning of the book?
(a) He could not board the train because he lost his ticket.
(b) He left his luggage on the train platform.
(c) His tie got stuck in the train door.
(d) His martial arts weapons were not allowed to leave the country.

2. How did Old Sheep usually greet Salzman when she entered his rooms?
(a) Quietly.
(b) Nervously.
(c) Tentatively.
(d) Loudly.

3. What name did Mr. Gong call Salzman?
(a) Mr. Mark.
(b) Cousin Mark.
(c) Uncle Mark.
(d) Gifted Mark.

4. How did the Leaders announce their decision about Comrade M's suicide?
(a) Announcement on the radio.
(b) With a poster.
(c) Speech in the middle of the college.
(d) By letter.

5. What was identical about the way the cadres were dressed at the theater where the Africans performed?
(a) Their Mao suits.
(b) Happy expressions.
(c) Fancy watches.
(d) Haircuts.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is a xiuxi?

2. What did the peasant pay Mr. Gong in exchange for helping his feverish son?

3. What did Salzman learn when he saw Mr. Gong and his son at the market?

4. Who was Mr. Gong?

5. How old was Mr. Gong's youngest son when Salzman visited him?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Old Ding express his desire to be friends with Salzman?

2. How did Salzman try to put Mr. Gong's youngest son at ease during their drawing lessons?

3. What was Master Zheng's specialty as a Wudang teacher?

4. What did Old Sheep fear about the suicide of a college worker?

5. Why did Salzman offer to get a book on Michelangelo from America for Lin?

6. Why did Pan and Salzman spend the first few weeks of lessons staring at each other?

7. What was the audience's behavior like during the performance of the Congolese entertainers?

8. Describe the contrasting ambitions of Hai Bin and Salzman.

9. Who was Old Yang?

10. How does Salzman describe the last performer to come on stage at the Hunan Theater?

(see the answer keys)

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