Iron & Silk Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Salzman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Iron & Silk Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Salzman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Salzman's favorite method of teaching English to his Chinese students?
(a) Memorizing grammar.
(b) Reading quietly to themselves.
(c) Having small groups prepare a skit.
(d) Studying flash cards.

2. Which of Salzman's students was too shy to have her picture taken and hid behind a tree?
(a) Juliet.
(b) April.
(c) Sarah.
(d) Hannah.

3. What did Salzman drive over so Little Mi would hold onto him when he was driving her back to the hospital?
(a) Rocks.
(b) Potholes.
(c) Big bumps.
(d) Large waves.

4. What would Master Liang do if his opponents cheated during push-hands matches?
(a) Tell the authorities.
(b) Squeeze them until they fainted.
(c) Glare at them.
(d) Give up and go home.

5. Where did Pan keep the long swords he and Salzman used to perform the long swords routine?
(a) Large case.
(b) Rolled in a carpet.
(c) Duffel bag.
(d) In a suitcase.

6. What did the runaway steal from the common room in Salzman's apartment?
(a) Food.
(b) Blanket.
(c) Postcards and bric-a-brac.
(d) Money.

7. What did the runaway think Hong King was like?
(a) A sports arena.
(b) A big department store.
(c) The name of a ship.
(d) A small town.

8. What did Little Mi tell Salzman about how his lectures made his students feel?
(a) He was sad too often and they feel sad, too.
(b) He was always happy so they feel happy.
(c) He was stern so they feel afraid.
(d) He was difficult to understand so they feel confused.

9. What did Salzman slip on when he twisted his knee during practice?
(a) Snow.
(b) Wax.
(c) Ice.
(d) Banana peel.

10. What time was it when Little Mia realized she had missed the last bus back to Harbin?
(a) Seven p.m.
(b) Eleven p.m.
(c) Midnight.
(d) Ten p.m.

11. What did the runaway show Salzman on the way home from the lecture that cut his walking time in half?
(a) Shortcut through a hole in the wall.
(b) Shortcut through the houses.
(c) Shortcut through the field.
(d) Path through the woods.

12. How old was the runaway who showed up at the Hunan Medical College at 4:30 a.m.?
(a) Eight.
(b) Eleven.
(c) Ten.
(d) Fifteen.

13. How much did Salzman pay to gain entrance to the coffee shop?
(a) Five dollars.
(b) Ten dollars.
(c) Six dollars.
(d) One dollar.

14. How long was the sword blade that Salzman used to practice The Drunken Sword?
(a) Twenty inches.
(b) Forty inches.
(c) Thirty-six inches.
(d) Twelve inches.

15. What did Lenny say in class the day Teacher Wu and the Yale-China Field Staff Director visited Salzman's class?
(a) "Give me money or give me death."
(b) He sang the Chinese National Anthem.
(c) He recited the Twelve Be's and Don't Be's.
(d) "I want to eat your heart and drink your blood."

Short Answer Questions

1. What day did Salzman take lessons from Professor Jin?

2. What did Salzman's student Juliet pretend to advertise in a commercial in his class?

3. What job did Pan get apprenticed to when he was young?

4. What nickname did Salzman's students give him when he killed an animal?

5. What did Salzman tell Pan he wanted to learn from him before he left China?

(see the answer keys)

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