Iron & Silk Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mark Salzman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Iron & Silk Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mark Salzman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From what part of Africa were the entertainers who performed the night Salzman arrived in Changsha?
(a) South Africa.
(b) Zambia.
(c) Botswana.
(d) Congo.

2. What occupation did Teacher Zhu have during World War II?
(a) Telegraph operator.
(b) Navy job.
(c) Restaurant owner.
(d) Construction worker.

3. What was Pan's nickname?
(a) Silent Fighter.
(b) Gentle One.
(c) Iron Fist.
(d) Mr. Great.

4. What did the Leaders decide about Comrade M's suicide?
(a) Her family won't be able to hold a memorial service.
(b) It was a misunderstanding on her part.
(c) They will take action against Manager L.
(d) Her friends cannot grieve in public.

5. What problem did Salzman encounter when he tried to leave China by train at the beginning of the book?
(a) His tie got stuck in the train door.
(b) He could not board the train because he lost his ticket.
(c) His martial arts weapons were not allowed to leave the country.
(d) He left his luggage on the train platform.

6. Who brought Salzman's package to him from the Post Office?
(a) Comrade Hun.
(b) Wife of American doctor.
(c) Teacher Wei.
(d) Dr. Li.

7. What did Hai Bin's elderly teacher carve from stone?
(a) Monkeys.
(b) Seals.
(c) Profiles of famous leaders.
(d) Pandas.

8. What did Old Sheep usually like to talk about with Salzman after she greeted him in the morning?
(a) Gossip.
(b) Economics.
(c) His family.
(d) Her health.

9. Why couldn't Mr. Gong's youngest son go to to college?
(a) He was nearsighted and would not pass the eye exam.
(b) He was too scared.
(c) He was not smart enough.
(d) He didn't have the money.

10. What was the topic of the lecture Salzman gave to the doctors and teachers shortly after he arrived in Changsha?
(a) Western culture.
(b) Dynamics of martial arts.
(c) E.T.
(d) American cuisine.

11. Why did Salzman dislike riding the buses in Changsha?
(a) They were freezing.
(b) They were too hot.
(c) They were crowded.
(d) They smelled.

12. What movie did Pan play an evil character in?
(a) Shaolin Temple.
(b) Silent Dreams.
(c) Kung Fu.
(d) Dragons of the Earth.

13. What did Salzman learn when he saw Mr. Gong and his son at the market?
(a) The son loved to cook.
(b) The son refused to help out at home.
(c) The son had taken up sports.
(d) The son had gotten into college.

14. What occupation did Comrade M have before her death?
(a) Cook.
(b) Student.
(c) Teacher.
(d) Clerical worker.

15. What kind of tax did the Post Office require Salzman pay for his package of medication?
(a) Customs tax.
(b) Overweight package tax.
(c) Sales tax.
(d) Import Tax for Foreign Friends.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many private students did Pan teach?

2. What university did Salzman attend?

3. What rumor did Salzman hear about Zheng's students?

4. Who helped Salzman when he was having difficulties getting his luggage taken care of at the train station in "Leaving"?

5. What did Old Sheep wear over her hair when she was working?

(see the answer keys)

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