I Remain in Darkness Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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I Remain in Darkness Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through 1985 January-June.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Annie notes that Blanche's eyes are _________________.
(a) Red and sunken.
(b) Vibrant.
(c) Tearful.
(d) Dull.

2. Annie notes that Blanche's body __________________.
(a) Is getting fat.
(b) Has no strength or firmness.
(c) Is losing weight.
(d) Is very rough.

3. What habit of Annie's mother's distresses Annie?
(a) Picking her nose.
(b) Wearing her shoes in the shower.
(c) Rushing with her to the elevator and babbling.
(d) Taking off her clothes.

4. With what does Annie come to terms in this book?
(a) Menopause.
(b) A new job.
(c) Memories of her mother.
(d) Divorce.

5. What does Annie's mother do as she walks through the department store?
(a) Skips.
(b) Laughs.
(c) Cries.
(d) Screams.

Short Answer Questions

1. One of Blanche's roommates reminds Annie of _____________________.

2. Annie remembers how her mother _________________ before she fell ill.

3. Which of the following does Annie NOT say she gets from her mother.

4. What does Annie feel that she lost regarding her other?

5. Annie feels that her own life runs ___________ her mother's.

(see the answer key)

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