Iphigenia in Taurus Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Iphigenia in Taurus Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Iphigenia's mother?

2. When the Herdsman is telling Iphigenia about the capture of the strangers, he mentions something about their country's custom towards strangers. What is their country's custom towards strangers?

3. What does Orestes suggest that he and Pylades do, to which Pylades replies, "out of the question- we're not used to it"?

4. When the Chorus sees the two young men being led to the temple, who do they speak a brief prayer to?

5. Who enters from the central door while the Chorus is praying to Artemis?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Iphigenia tell King Thoas the young strangers need to be cleansed?

2. In Part 5 of Iphigenia in Taurus, Iphigenia asks that two different things happen that involve cloaks. What are those two things?

3. How does the herdsman tell Iphigenia that he captured the two young strangers?

4. In the beginning of Part 2, who has just exited the scene, who enters the scene, and from where do they enter?

5. In Part 2, what does Iphigenia say was happening while her father was bringing her to her death?

6. In Part 6 of Iphigenia in Taurus, what does the messenger tell the King that makes him a little uneasy?

7. Iphigenia explains in Part 2 that the men in her homeland already know her fate. What do they think has happened to Iphigenia?

8. What does Orestes request Pylades do for him when he returns home?

9. Describe the dream that Iphigenia has.

10. How does the herdsman describe Orestes and Pylades to Iphigenia in Part 2 ?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In most Greek tragedies there are serious instances of death or sorrow, but in Euripides' play there is a little softer side of a Greek tragedy. Why do you think Euripides softened the tragedy of his play compared to other writers of his time? Why do you think Euripides introduced a strong female central character, which is another rare occurrence in Greek mythology and plays? Did you like the fact that the play came to a happy resolution after Iphigenia had gone through so much ill-fate and sorrow throughout her life? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 2

In Part 2 of Iphigenia in Taurus, Iphigenia comments on how humanity uses the gods for an excuse. What excuse does she say the gods are used for? The answer to this question is revolutionary to Greek plays because it actually gives the humans blame for being savages and not saying that it was a god's demand. Why do you think this was a revolutionary idea? Has does this same idea exist today? What type of things happen in the play that are examples of this revolutionary idea? Cite specific examples from the play to support your ideas.

Essay Topic 3

In the play, Iphigenia in Taurus, it begins by Iphigenia telling of a dream she had about what she perceives as the death of her brother, Orestes. How does the realization that she might be the last person from her family affect Iphagenia's attitude? What change does Iphigenia's demeanor seem to take after she has learned that her brother, Orestes, might be dead? If Orestes was indeed dead in the story, how do you think Iphigenia's attitude would have continued to change during the duration of the story?

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