Iphigenia in Taurus Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Iphigenia in Taurus Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Iphigenia's dream, where does she dream that she has escaped to live?
(a) Troy.
(b) With the Gods.
(c) Argos.
(d) Hellas.

2. In Part 3 of Iphigenia in Taurus, who says, "do we not know what sorrow is"?
(a) The Chorus.
(b) Orestes.
(c) Iphigenia.
(d) Pylades.

3. When Orestes asks Iphigenia if she actually sacrifices the victims, Iphigenia tells him that she does not, but that she purifies the victims. How does Iphigenia purify the sacrifice victims?
(a) By fire.
(b) By having them pray to Artemis.
(c) By reading them a sacred poem.
(d) By casting water on their heads.

4. What does Orestes suggest that he and Pylades do, to which Pylades replies, "out of the question- we're not used to it"?
(a) Run away.
(b) Steal some horses.
(c) Kill someone.
(d) Hide.

5. Who is Achilles' father?
(a) Agamemnon.
(b) Thetis.
(c) Orestes.
(d) Zeus.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Iphigenia is speaking with Orestes outside the temple, she mentions a particular name that is in the world's mouth. What name is that?

2. What is Orestes asked to take from the temple by Phoebus Apollo?

3. In Part 3 of Iphigenia in Taurus, who is Orestes speaking of when he says, " her blood was the unjust ransom for a worthless wife"?

4. Why does Iphigenia feel like the rites she celebrates are unfit for song?

5. At the beginning of Part 3 of Iphigenia in Taurus, what does Iphigenia order the guards to untie?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Part 5 of Iphigenia in Taurus, what reason does Iphigenia give for binding the stranger's arms with cords?

2. In Part 5 of Iphigenia in Taurus, Iphigenia relates a story to King Thoas concerning the image of Artemis. What does she tell King Thoas about?

3. When Iphigenia tells Orestes what her plan is for sending her letter back, what does Orestes say to her about a change in plans, and why does he want to change Iphigenia's plans?

4. In Part 5 of Iphigenia in Taurus, why does King Thoas tell Iphigenia that it is natural that the city honors her?

5. When the messenger enters the scene in Part 6 of Iphigenia in Taurus, he ignores the Chorus and eagerly seeks out King Thoas. Why does he do this?

6. In Part 5 of Iphigenia in Taurus, who is the first person to enter the scene and what are they concerned with?

7. How does the herdsman tell Iphigenia that he captured the two young strangers?

8. In the opening of Part 1 of Iphigenia in Taurus, what does Iphigenia first begin telling us?

9. In Part 4 of Iphigenia in Taurus, why does Orestes ask Pylades where they are and wonders if they are in a dream?

10. In Part 6 of Iphigenia in Taurus, the messenger tells the King about the escape of Orestes, Pylades, and Iphigenia. After the messenger tells the King about the escape, he tells the King that he'll be even more surprised by what other news he has tell him. What is the other news that will surprise the King even more?

(see the answer keys)

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