Invisible Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Invisible Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What object does Mary own that the narrator finds offensive?
(a) a figurine of a white leader
(b) a mask used in black rituals
(c) a distorted figurine of a black leader
(d) a bank in the shape of a black figurine

2. What does the narrator purchase after the confrontation with Ras?
(a) a weapon
(b) a pair of dark green sunglasses
(c) a long jacket
(d) a low brimmed hat

3. Why is Brother Westrum opposed to the piece of chain on the narrator's desk?
(a) Because it is a reminder of slavery
(b) Because it symbolically denies the possibility of equality
(c) Because it shows a tendency to cling to the past
(d) Because it shows difference instead of unity

4. The narrator wants Clifton's funeral to focus on which of the following?
(a) The acts that led to his death
(b) His accomplishments as part of the Brotherhood
(c) The meaning of his life
(d) what his loss will mean to the Brotherhood

5. Why was Brother Tarp on a chain gang?
(a) Because he had betrayed his white master
(b) Because he had betrayed his people
(c) Because he had dared to say the word no.
(d) Because he had lied to white people

6. How does the narrator react to the dolls that are being sold by Clifton?
(a) He laughs at the dolls
(b) He purchases a doll
(c) He calls the police
(d) He spits on one of the dolls

7. What time of day does Brother Jack meet the narrator in the beginning of Chapter 17
(a) Noon
(b) 5:00 PM
(c) Midnight
(d) early in the morning

8. What does the narrator spontaneously decide to buy?
(a) a newspaper in hopes that it will explain recent events
(b) a new suit
(c) a black dancing doll
(d) a pair of new shoes

9. What fault does Emma find with the narrator?
(a) He is too indecisive
(b) He isn't black enough.
(c) He has no money to contribute
(d) He probably won't fit in with the group

10. Why does the narrator try to hide the figurine from Mary?
(a) Because he has broken it
(b) Because he is trying to steal it
(c) Because he wants to take it to the Brotherhood
(d) Because he thinks it is unworthy of her

11. How does the narrator plan to overcome the white men of the Brotherhood?
(a) by standing up to them
(b) by helping his own group take over the leadership positions
(c) by appearing to agree with them
(d) by parting company with them

12. After whom does the narrator say he wants to pattern himself?
(a) Dr, Bledsoe
(b) Mr. Norton
(c) The Founder
(d) Booker T Washington

13. The narrator becomes dizzy at the thought that true saviors might actually be where?
(a) in the history books
(b) disguised in the literature books
(c) outside history
(d) crippled within the limits of organizations

14. What decision does the narrator accept for the time period that will be needed to clear the charges against him?
(a) He agrees to become inactive
(b) He agrees to speak on the Woman Question
(c) He insist on the continuation of his activities
(d) He decides to go out on his own.

15. What had the narrator's grandfather learned to accept?
(a) The destiny of his race
(b) The situation placed upon him by whites
(c) The futility of fighting the ruling majority
(d) Humanity

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the narrator portray himself at the end of Chapter 22?

2. When has the narrator made most of his mistakes?

3. What vision comes to the narrator's mind when he sees the elderly couple being evicted?

4. When is a person most invisible?

5. What surprising development does the narrator experience when he attends a committee meeting?

(see the answer keys)

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