Invisible Monsters Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Invisible Monsters Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. On Shannon's final trip home, how do her parents behave?

2. What running list has Shannon's parents kept up throughout Christmas morning?

3. What kind of car does Manus have?

4. How does Shane's family find out about his homosexuality?

5. Who breaks into Evie's house with a knife?

Short Essay Questions

1. What surrounds Manus in the trunk of his car?

2. After locking Manus in the closet, who does Shannon call and what are the results?

3. From whom did Shane (Brandy) get the throat infection that leads him to be kicked out of the house?

4. What does Shannon say in her letter to Evie?

5. What extremes do Shannon's parents take when she visits for her birthday?

6. Why does Manus's career as a police officer end?

7. Why is Shannon shocked to see the picture on the Rhea sister's stereo?

8. What part does Evie play in the story?

9. What has "Shane" bought Shannon for Christmas?

10. What does Shannon leave for the unconscious Brandy?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Do a character study of Manus Kelley. What role does he play in the novel? How does his relationships with the other characters further the plot? How does his character contribute to the central themes of the novel? Is he a static character or does he undergo changes throughout the text? Though he travels with Brandy and Shannon, would you consider him a main character or a supporting character? How are his many aliases representative of Manus himself?

Explore some of his female-hormone inspired rants on God, parents, and television. What points are the author trying to make about society through Manus? Why is Manus so obsessed with the idea that television makes people like God? Be sure to use examples from the text in your arguments.

Essay Topic 2

The novel makes use of different stereotypes are archetypes for some of the characters such as the model, the drag queen, and even the Texas oil princess. Choose three stereotypes and unpack their roles in the novel. To which characters do these stereotypes apply? Do they apply to multiple characters? How does the use of stereotypes contribute to the central theme of the novel? Do the stereotyped characters undergo any changes or are they static, remaining the same from start to finish?

Essay Topic 3

Do a character study of Evie Cottrell. What role does she play in the novel? How does her relationships with the other characters further the plot? How does her character contribute to the central themes of the novel? Is she a static character or does she undergo changes throughout the text? Explore Evie's idea of beautiful people together being less than the sum of their parts. How does this idea contribute to the novel? Is Shannon changed by this theory? Be sure to use examples from the text in your arguments.

(see the answer keys)

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