Invisible Monsters Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Invisible Monsters Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Brandy want to do before she gets her next surgery?
(a) She wants to kill Manus.
(b) She wants to fall in love.
(c) She wants to find her sister.
(d) She wants to travel to Europe.

2. How does the family eat their dinner?
(a) They eat in the backyard on a picnic table.
(b) They eat in the basement.
(c) They eat in the dark.
(d) They eat separately.

3. What is Evie's name before she becomes a woman?
(a) Irving.
(b) Evan.
(c) Edward.
(d) Ian.

4. Why does Manus's career as a detective end?
(a) He is almost killed once by a violent offender.
(b) He is known bait and has gotten too old.
(c) He gets tired of vice and goes back to school.
(d) He is fired for disorderly conduct.

5. What does Shane do when he leaves the house?
(a) He pulls out a cell phone.
(b) He lights a cigarette.
(c) He sits in the driveway.
(d) He takes a swig of a bottle.

6. What does Shannon find in Brandy's Miss Rona book?
(a) She finds money pressed between the pages.
(b) She finds the postcard that she throws off the Space Needle.
(c) She finds a photo of herself before the accident.
(d) She finds directions to her parent's house.

7. What has the family agreed upon regarding Christmas gifts?
(a) They have agreed to do stocking stuffers only.
(b) They have agreed to go gift-free this year.
(c) They have agreed to wrap the gifts in matching paper.
(d) They have agreed to go all out with huge, expensive gifts.

8. What subject does Evie bring up during the photo shoot?
(a) She brings up Shannon's brother.
(b) She brings up her new shoes.
(c) She brings up Cancun.
(d) She brings up her need for love.

9. In what city does Shannon being feeding Manus hormones?
(a) Los Angeles.
(b) Houston.
(c) Chicago.
(d) San Francisco.

10. What landmark do Brandy, Manus, and Shannon visit in Utah?
(a) The Space Needle.
(b) The Great Salt Lake.
(c) The Empire State Building.
(d) Mt. Rushmore.

11. What album is playing on the stereo?
(a) Clark Gable.
(b) Frank Sinatra.
(c) Bing Crosby.
(d) Perry Como.

12. Why does Shane tap on Shannon's window?
(a) He wants to take her with him but she does not go.
(b) He wants to say goodbye but she does not.
(c) He wants to give her a cigarette but she does not smoke.
(d) He wants her to let him back in but she will not allow him to enter.

13. After setting the fire, what feeling overwhelms Shannon?
(a) A feeling of nervousness.
(b) A feeling of shame.
(c) A feeling of horror.
(d) A feeling of control.

14. What does Shannon envision as she realizes she has been set up by Evie?
(a) She envisions her wedding to Manus and wishes it could be so.
(b) She envisions her parents at Christmastime.
(c) She envisions her poor dead brother, Shane.
(d) She envision the hideous outfit that Evie would have buried her in.

15. What does Shannon do to her stretched-out clothes?
(a) She hides them in the basement.
(b) She collects them for Goodwill.
(c) She lights them on fire.
(d) She gives them to Manus.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the only sound Shannon can still make that is generally understood by others?

2. What would Shannon insist to Evie's mother upon her death?

3. Why do Shannon's parents purchase these particular gifts for her?

4. Who is the realtor of the next house Brandy, Shannon, and Manus visit?

5. Who breaks into Evie's house with a knife?

(see the answer keys)

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