Invisible Monsters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Invisible Monsters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what does Shannon attribute her passing grade in modeling school?
(a) She accredits her natural talent and beauty.
(b) She got a passing grade through old-fashioned determination and hard work.
(c) She claims that Evie's grade brought the curve down for everyone.
(d) She passes because the teacher likes her.

2. Why is the group going to Seattle?
(a) They plan to track down Brandy's birth family.
(b) They plan to find Evie.
(c) They plan to sell drugs to visitors to the club.
(d) They plan to find Manus's mother.

3. Where does Manus invite Shannon after the infomercial?
(a) He invites her to the mall to go shopping.
(b) He invites her to his house to go swimming.
(c) He invites her to his boat to go sailing.
(d) He invites her to a restaurant for dinner.

4. What does Evie suggest to Shannon as a career move?
(a) She thinks Shannon should become a hand model.
(b) She thinks Shannon should become a detective.
(c) She thinks Shannon should become a teacher.
(d) She thinks Shannon should become a lawyer.

5. What autobiography has Brandy become obsessed with?
(a) The Life and Times of Abraham Lincoln.
(b) Queen Elizabeth I.
(c) The Lady DuVall.
(d) Miss Rona.

6. What infomercial are Evie and Shannon in together?
(a) An infomercial for Hair-Be-Gone.
(b) An infomercial for the Num Num Snack Factory.
(c) An informercial for Brandy's make-up line.
(d) An informercial for the Garden Whiz.

7. What book do Shannon and Brandy use when searching for drugs?
(a) The Physicians' Desk Reference.
(b) The Oxford Dictionary of medical terms.
(c) Prescription Pills for Dummies.
(d) The Merriam-Webster Medical Thesaurus.

8. How does Shannon's accident occur?
(a) She is talking on a cell phone.
(b) She is rear-ended by a semi.
(c) She runs a red light.
(d) She is shot while driving down the highway.

9. Where has Evie gone for her model shoot?
(a) Sydney.
(b) Cancun.
(c) London.
(d) Texas.

10. Which character is shot?
(a) Evie Cottrell.
(b) Brandy Alexander.
(c) The narrator.
(d) Manus Kelley.

11. What does Shannon steal from the store?
(a) She takes a birthday cake.
(b) She takes a frozen turkey.
(c) She takes money from the cash register.
(d) She takes a bouquet of flowers.

12. How does Brandy initiate a relationship with Shannon?
(a) Brandy winks at Shannon across the hallway.
(b) Brandy calls Shannon's room phone.
(c) Brandy writes Shannon a note.
(d) Brandy sends Shannon some flowers.

13. What kind of dress does Shannon wear the day of the accident?
(a) A cotton crepe sundress from Espre.
(b) A tight satin formal gown from Macy's.
(c) A blue jersey dress from Antonio's.
(d) A wool sweater dress from Penney's.

14. What magazine purchase does Manus claim is for his job?
(a) New York Magazine.
(b) Style Magazine.
(c) Men's Health Magazine.
(d) Pornography magazines.

15. What object do the nuns remove from Shannon's bathroom?
(a) The faucet.
(b) The shower curtain.
(c) The mirror.
(d) The toilet paper.

Short Answer Questions

1. What objects do Seth, Brandy, and Shannon throw from the Space Needle?

2. What does Manus purchase for Shannon of their date?

3. Why is Brandy so inspired by Miss Rona?

4. Why do Brandy, Shannon, and Manus frequent open houses?

5. Whom does Brandy claim to be when trying to cross the border?

(see the answer keys)

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