Interview with the Vampire Test | Final Test - Medium

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Interview with the Vampire Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Claudia and Louis learn that the vampires supposedly stay?
(a) Nearby cemetery
(b) Nearby planatation
(c) Nearby ruins
(d) Nearby swamp

2. What does Dennis "offer" to Louis?
(a) His seat
(b) His coffin
(c) His blood
(d) His wine

3. What does Louis find in the hotel room when he returns to Claudia after having talked to Armand?
(a) A drunk painter
(b) Madeline
(c) Celeste
(d) Lestat

4. What is it that Louis takes with him when he returns to burn the theater?
(a) A sickle
(b) A scythe
(c) A gun
(d) A sword

5. Louis fears being seen by the people of a particular house but Armand says the people occasionally see him. What do they believe Armand to be?
(a) A shadow
(b) A vampire
(c) A spirit
(d) A burglar

Short Answer Questions

1. Louis says that one of Claudia's similarities to Lestat was in her preference regarding the amount of light. What is Claudia's preference on this point?

2. In Louis's dream, whose grave does his sister visit?

3. What feat does Armand challenge Louis to accomplish with him, though Louis is afraid to try?

4. What place does Louis want to go after Claudia's death?

5. Where does she get the cards she plays with?

(see the answer keys)

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