Interview with the Vampire Test | Final Test - Easy

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Interview with the Vampire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the play, what instrument is carried by the vampire who portrays Death?
(a) A scythe
(b) A noose
(c) A sickle
(d) A shovel

2. What does Louis learn became of Denis?
(a) He became a vampire
(b) He returned to his parents
(c) He died
(d) He left Paris

3. Where do Louis and Claudia go after their battle with the strange vampire?
(a) New Orleans
(b) Pointe du Lac
(c) The inn
(d) Paris

4. What two women does Louis remember from the vampires introduced to him following the performance?
(a) Claudette and Esther
(b) Celeste and Estelle
(c) Estelle and Bianca
(d) Denise and Diana

5. Where do Claudia and Louis learn that the vampires supposedly stay?
(a) Nearby cemetery
(b) Nearby ruins
(c) Nearby swamp
(d) Nearby planatation

6. What sound and smell alert Louis to the approach of a vampire at the ruins?
(a) A limping step and the smell of a corpse
(b) A shuffling step and the scent of decaying earth
(c) A limping step and the scent of blood
(d) A quick step and the scent of a human

7. How old is Armand?
(a) Four hundred and twelve
(b) Sixty-five
(c) Four hundred years old
(d) Eighty-seven

8. What is the number one cause of death among vampires, according to Armand?
(a) They are killed by other vampires
(b) They are caught in the sunlight
(c) They haven't the stamina for immortality
(d) They starve

9. What does Dennis "offer" to Louis?
(a) His coffin
(b) His blood
(c) His seat
(d) His wine

10. What was the name of the ship on which Louis and Claudia travel to Europe?
(a) The Mariana
(b) The Explorer
(c) The Pointe du Lac
(d) The Mississippi

11. What is Louis reminded of when he sees the bodies of Claudia and Madeline?
(a) Claudia's own mother as she lay dead with Claudia when Louis first found them
(b) The mother and daughter who were killed by Claudia in the house in New Orleans
(c) A vampire and his slave as they lay in death
(d) Estelle and Celeste as they pretended to be dead on stage

12. Louis finds Lestat holding something in his hands that makes him certain Claudia is dead. What is the item?
(a) Claudia's yellow dress
(b) Claudia's blue dress
(c) A lock of Claudia's hair
(d) Claudia's yellow ribbon

13. What does Louis come to realize as he analyzes dreams of Lestat?
(a) That he wants to return to the U.S. to search for Lestat
(b) That he wants Lestat alive
(c) That he fears Lestat will come get him even now
(d) That he wants nothing more to do with Lestat

14. How is Louis restrained by the other vampires as Claudia and Madeline are killed?
(a) A theatre
(b) A tower
(c) A cell
(d) A coffin

15. What is it that Lestat wants from Louis?
(a) For Louis to bring him food
(b) For Louis to return to him
(c) For Louis to kill Claudia
(d) For Louis to arrange passage to Greece

Short Answer Questions

1. Claudia has Louis relate the story of how she became a vampire again and again. Why?

2. What does Armand say will happen to Louis if he falls while scaling a wall?

3. Why does Armand say Madeline and Claudia must leave Paris?

4. What object was Emily found to be holding when her body was discovered?

5. Louis encounters a man named Morgan at an inn. What does Louis discover about Morgan's wife, Emily?

(see the answer keys)

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