Interview with the Vampire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Interview with the Vampire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Paul die?
(a) He hangs himself
(b) He falls down some steps
(c) Lestat drains him of his blood
(d) He is shot

2. When Louis and Lestat arrive in New Orleans the day after the burning of Pointe du Lac, what does Louis choose for sustenance?
(a) A child
(b) A dead woman
(c) An old man
(d) A rat

3. How does Lestat gain entry into the house?
(a) Sets fire to the building
(b) Breaks the parlor window
(c) Uses his own key
(d) Breaks a door

4. What advice does Louis give Babette when she is facing the scorn of the community for taking the reins of her family's plantation?
(a) To ignore them
(b) To marry
(c) To find someone else to run the plantation
(d) To throw a charity ball

5. What excuse does Louis offer so that he can miss his mother's funeral?
(a) He is away on business
(b) He has a malarial chill
(c) He doesn't want to see his sister
(d) He must tend Lestat's father

6. How does the house come to be on fire as Louis and Lestat fight?
(a) Lestat set the fire in order to get into the house
(b) Louis threw the lamp at Lestat
(c) Lestat threw the lamp at Louis
(d) Claudia scattered hot coals as she grabbed the poker

7. What does Louis do following the death of the Franiere boy?
(a) Drinks his blood before he dies
(b) Returns home
(c) Buries him in a marshy area
(d) Goes to his sister, Babette, with advice regarding the plantation

8. What does Lestat drink upon arrival into their motel room immediately after leaving the Freneire plantation?
(a) Champagne
(b) Blood
(c) Ale
(d) Water

9. What happens to keep Louis from killing the girl?
(a) Her heart momentarily stops beating
(b) He believes she's died but she hasn't
(c) Lestat stops him
(d) He passes out

10. What does Louis say eventually occurs to him with regard to Claudia's life as a vampire?
(a) That she's growing slimmer on her diet of blood
(b) That she's turning into a tremendous killer
(c) That she's never going to grow up physically
(d) That she's growing heavier with her constant killing

11. After leaving the hotel, where do Louis and Lestat live?
(a) In a tailor's shop
(b) They return to Pointe du Lac
(c) In a secure courtyard
(d) In a town house on the Rue Royale

12. What did Paul aspire to become?
(a) A vampire
(b) A journalist
(c) A priest
(d) A farmer

13. What does Louis cite as his last memory as a human?
(a) His heartbeat as he died
(b) His last sunrise
(c) The death of his brother
(d) The way Lestat looked at him

14. What group is it that proves to be a problem as Louis and Lestat try to keep their true identities secret?
(a) The Franiers
(b) Their families
(c) The slaves
(d) The police

15. What present does Claudia bring to Lestat?
(a) A new casket
(b) A woman of the evening
(c) Wine
(d) Two young boys

Short Answer Questions

1. On what street is the interview conducted?

2. What is the play Lestat loves and that he and Louis see over and over?

3. What has caused a great increase in the number of orphans

4. What color is the dress Claudia wears on the night they plan to leave for Europe?

5. Where is the young musician hiding as he waits outside the townhouse where Louis and Claudia are?

(see the answer keys)

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