Interview with the Vampire Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Interview with the Vampire Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3, Section 2 (Pages 241-270).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What card game does Claudia enjoy playing during her time on the ship?
(a) Solitaire
(b) Poker
(c) Canasta
(d) Rummy

2. In Louis's dream, what kind of flowers does his sister carry through the New Orleans cemetery?
(a) White chrysanthemums
(b) White daisies
(c) White roses
(d) Yellow roses

3. What trick does Claudia often use to find a victim for feeding?
(a) Pretending to be lost in a coffee shop
(b) Waiting in the square for some kindly person to find her
(c) She cries and waits for Lestat to kill for her
(d) Pretending fear at the theater

4. Where does she get the cards she plays with?
(a) Lestat bought them for her
(b) From a fellow passenger
(c) She brought them from home
(d) Louis bought them for her

5. When Claudia and Louis stop at a small inn in the European countryside, they're met with hostility and a warning that night is not the best time to travel. What does Claudia see above the door that warns of the occupants' ideas regarding vampires?
(a) Garlic and a crucifix
(b) A vial of holy water and garlic
(c) A crucifix and a vial of holy water
(d) A warning that vampires will be killed

Short Answer Questions

1. The man named Morgan describes a scene he witnessed in which the grave of a suspected vampire was dug up. What does he say about the woman in the coffin and of her fate?

2. What does Louis say eventually occurs to him with regard to Claudia's life as a vampire?

3. Why does Claudia sleep with Louis?

4. After leaving the hotel, where do Louis and Lestat live?

5. Louis says he detects a specific scent once inside the small inn in rural Europe. What was that scent?

(see the answer key)

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