The Interpretation of Dreams Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Interpretation of Dreams Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is very common as Freud states occurs in absurd dreams?
(a) Being naked
(b) Running away
(c) Flying
(d) Intellectual performance

2. The dream in #157 involved the _________ of a dying _______.
(a) father, daughter
(b) mother, son
(c) mother, daughter
(d) father, son

3. What kind of nature of a dream could be described as representations in allegory form?
(a) Replacement
(b) Condensation
(c) Representation
(d) Displacement

4. The concern is the ____________ of the dream as it translates abstract dream thoughts into colors and images.
(a) disguise
(b) usefulness
(c) interpretation
(d) meaning

5. The means by which dreams are represented do NOT include:
(a) Composite
(b) Inverting in nature
(c) Egotistic
(d) Comprehensive

6. What comment does Freud cite as an example of #153?
(a) After all, it is only a dream
(b) What a dream that was
(c) This isn't real
(d) I must be dreaming

7. In interpreting dreams, the elements that are uncovered must be seen as a _________ whole.
(a) steady
(b) fragmented
(c) unified
(d) clear

8. Freud provides an example of a dreamer who is the victim of a _____________ painting a house.
(a) criminal
(b) doll
(c) servant
(d) zebra

9. The dreamer of the dream in #134 also noted that the answer was throwing __________ at her.
(a) animals
(b) papers
(c) paint
(d) dishes

10. Dreams can be pointing to a ___________ or to history.
(a) dream
(b) decision
(c) recent moment
(d) memory

11. A __________ interpretation of dreams is an attempt to interpret one's dream by looking at one piece at a time.
(a) bit
(b) fractional
(c) piecemeal
(d) worthwhile

12. There is also mention of a dream in which a trip during a storm to a ____________ that is soaked through.
(a) train
(b) hotel
(c) tent
(d) car

13. Everything in dreams that seems to be _________ is not but is instead what Freud considers dream thoughts that find their way completely as latent dream content.
(a) intellectual
(b) useful
(c) simple
(d) logical

14. The true nature of ______ is not recognized in the dream, but is usually mistaken for something else.
(a) sound
(b) stimuli
(c) symbols
(d) memories

15. Which of these is NOT considered to be a source of dreams, according to laymen?
(a) Stomach ills
(b) Occurrences during sleep
(c) The weather
(d) Sleep positions

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the author of the theory of the nerve-stimulus dream?

2. The displacement is carried out as having relevance to the ____________ associations.

3. Whose findings does Freud cite at the beginning of this chapter?

4. The dreamer's ________ typical stimuli is never consistent.

5. What causes the answer to #159?

(see the answer keys)

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