Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What kind of train takes Layla and her family to the relocation center?
2. What characteristic summarizes the Director’s appearance in Layla’s eyes?
3. What do Layla and Ayesha compare the camp fence to?
4. How does the Director end the violence surrounding Noor’s arrest?
5. How does Layla characterize nature’s power?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Jake respond after Layla cannot get through to David?
2. What is happening around Layla Amin at the beginning of Internment?
3. What is Layla’s relationship with Jake like in Chapter 11?
4. Who is the White Rose, and what does she mean to Layla?
5. What are the different frames of reference by which Layla and Ayesha try to make the internment make sense?
6. How does Layla connect with Ayesha?
7. What does Layla take when being relocated, what does Layla leave?
8. How does Layla characterize the Director’s introduction to the camp?
9. How does Layla describe her feelings about the natural environment where the camp is located?
10. What is David’s family’s position regarding these restrictions against Muslims?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Who is the audience for Internment? What is the ideal reader for Internment likely to think about the book’s main topics? How does this book try to affect the reader? What is it trying to teach him or her, or get him or her to do?
Essay Topic 2
Evaluate the ending of Internment. Does it ring true to you? Does it successfully resolve the problems and tensions that preceded it? What would you change, if anything? What are you left wishing for closure on, if anything?
Essay Topic 3
When is Internment most itself? What is its characteristic passage, or moment? What makes that moment or passage the most representative of the book as a whole? Are there any places where the book seems to depart from its typical self, as if to become a different book?
This section contains 1,016 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |