Internment: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Samira Ahmed
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Internment: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Samira Ahmed
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Layla say the Director uses as a weapon, when she goes to see him in his office?
(a) Silence.
(b) Torture.
(c) Threats.
(d) Hunger.

2. Who tells the woman to pipe down when she accuses Layla of causing the restrictions at morning roll call the day after the fasting protest?
(a) Layla's father.
(b) Ayesha.
(c) Layla’s mother.
(d) Ayesha’s mother.

3. In the morning after the protest at the gate, what does Layla accuse Saleem of?
(a) Betraying his people.
(b) Betraying his wife.
(c) Murder.
(d) Foolishness.

4. How many protestors stage the protest at the fence?
(a) 20.
(b) 12.
(c) 25.
(d) 33.

5. What warning/challenge was issued to the Director?
(a) Video of Noor’s arrest was leaked to the press.
(b) Noor’s hijab was left on the admin building door.
(c) A manifesto promised disturbances if reforms were not made.
(d) Guards were threatened if they did not close the camp.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Layla describe in her first article about life in camp Mobius?

2. What does Jake confiscate from Layla after the confrontation with the Director?

3. What does Jake tell Layla his mother loved?

4. What does Layla agree to do when her parents ask her to accept their situation?

5. Why does Layla say the Director needs control?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Layla gets back from the brig, what does she find has happened to her parents?

2. What is the threat that looms over Layla’s head, and how does she adjust herself to avoid it?

3. How does Layla’s first article change life at camp Mobius?

4. What does the Director weaponize in his second meeting with Layla in his office?

5. How does Layla’s second article get out of Mobius?

6. What is Layla’s attitude toward her condition, and what steps does she take to oppose it?

7. What does Layla tell the crowd when she gets the bullhorn, and what does she say about America?

8. What is the image Khadijah auntie recites to Layla, and what effect does it have?

9. What is the first act of open defiance that takes place in the camp?

10. What circumstances lead to Soheil’s death?

(see the answer keys)

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