Internment: A Novel Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Samira Ahmed
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Internment: A Novel Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Samira Ahmed
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 28-32, pages 303-344 .

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What counter-accusation does Layla make, when the others accuse her of causing trouble?
(a) That the others are afraid of Saleem and Fauzi.
(b) That the others have not done anything.
(c) That the others deserve to suffer.
(d) That the others are begging her to step forward.

2. Why does Jake say he is still going along with the Director’s plans?
(a) To learn more about the Director’s intentions.
(b) To rein in the Director’s worst impulses.
(c) To keep his confidence, and protect people.
(d) To set the Director up for a sting operation.

3. How long do Layla and her parents have to pack their things for relocation?
(a) 10 minutes.
(b) 2 days.
(c) 1 hour.
(d) 5 minutes.

4. What does the Red Cross’ visit remind Layla of?
(a) Time before the relocation.
(b) The international community’s denial of the Armenian genocide.
(c) The Red Cross’s visit to Nazi death camps.
(d) The government whitewashing the genocide of Native Americans.

5. What role does Layla play for Ayesha and Soheil?
(a) Matchmaker.
(b) Minder.
(c) Teacher.
(d) Chaperone.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do guards take Layla after the protest at the gate?

2. How does Layla characterize the seating sections in the Mess?

3. Who is Soheil having a confrontation with, while Layla and Ayesha are talking?

4. What does the Director offer Layla as an enticement?

5. Where do Layla and her family live at camp Mobius?

(see the answer key)

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