Interior Chinatown Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Charles Yu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Interior Chinatown Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Charles Yu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does the protagonist's mother live?
(a) With him.
(b) In another city's Chinatown.
(c) Down the hall from his father.
(d) With his father.

2. What does Bonnie Tsui say represents "the ambiguous Asian everywhere" (iv)?
(a) Orientalism.
(b) Kung Fu.
(c) Chinese food.
(d) Chinatown.

3. From the discussion of lighting on page 11, what can reasonably be inferred?
(a) The lighting crew is prejudiced against Asians.
(b) The show is a satire of modern race relations.
(c) The protagonist is making excuses for being a bad actor.
(d) The show is named after its two main characters' races.

4. What distinguishes the parts of the script that describe what the protagonist is doing during the filming of Black and White?
(a) They are written in poetic verse.
(b) They are right-justified.
(c) They are in all-caps.
(d) They are in a different font.

5. After the accident with the hot tea, what visible reminder is there of the protagonist's carelessness?
(a) A permanent tea stain on the floor.
(b) Scars on his mother's wrists and arms.
(c) Scratches in the floor.
(d) The broken teapot cannot be mended.

Short Answer Questions

1. What always happens in the scene from Black and White that recurs throughout "ACT II: INT. GOLDEN PALACE"?

2. What brings the protagonist's first Special Guest Star role to an end?

3. In "ACT II: INT. GOLDEN PALACE," how does the protagonist spoil the fun that the other men are having outside his room?

4. What is "drunken monkey" (13)?

5. What is "White Lady Cop's" name?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are some of the details that people should realize mean that Sifu is living in poverty?

2. Describe the interior of the Golden Palace.

3. What do people in Chinatown say about Older Brother, and why does the narrative say that it does not matter?

4. Why did the protagonist's father and Older Brother have a falling out, and what does the detectives' reaction demonstrate about them?

5. What does Turner tell the protagonist about the system--about what rising up through it means, and about his own place within it?

6. What language does the protagonist speak to his father in the restaurant, and how does it reveal one source of the gap between them?

7. Describe how residents use their small spaces at the Chinatown SRO Apartments and what this might signify.

8. What are the protagonist's earliest memories of his father?

9. Explain the context of the "Wong guy" pun and how the actors react to it in "ACT II: INT. GOLDEN PALACE."

10. What causes the protagonist to realize that his father is suffering from dementia, and how does he respond?

(see the answer keys)

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