Intellectuals Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Intellectuals Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Brecht leave rights to his works to in his will?
(a) He left half of his oeuvre to the Communist Party and half to his wife.
(b) He left everything to his wife.
(c) He left different works to four women.
(d) He left his estate to his illegimate children and left out his wife.

2. What year did Sartre die?
(a) 1980.
(b) 1983.
(c) 1972.
(d) 1977.

3. How did Brecht die?
(a) He was executed by a West German sniper.
(b) He suffered a heart attack.
(c) He committed suicide.
(d) He was in a car accident.

4. What was the name of the American philosophy graduate who became Russell's secretary?
(a) Harold Earkin.
(b) Philip Wise.
(c) Arthur Koestler.
(d) Ralph Schoenman.

5. What language did Wilson learn and master in order to read books in their original form in the 1930s?
(a) German.
(b) French.
(c) Russian.
(d) Spanish.

6. After Gollancz broke with the Communist, which party did he begin to support?
(a) The Neo-Democrats.
(b) The Nazis.
(c) The Labour Party.
(d) The Whig Party.

7. How was Brecht's work received in the United States?
(a) Brecht never attempted to promote his work in America.
(b) Hollywood embraced his style.
(c) He was not accepted.
(d) The government provided him with a small stipend.

8. How did Wilson's second wife die?
(a) She tripped on her heels and fractured her skull.
(b) She was accidentily poisioned by pesticide they used in their home.
(c) She had a heart attack.
(d) She was hit by a car.

9. What honor did Gollancz receive in 1945?
(a) He was elected to parliament.
(b) The Nobel Prize.
(c) A Knighthood.
(d) The Golden Seal, a publishers award.

10. What year did Wilson die?
(a) 1972.
(b) 1966.
(c) 1989.
(d) 1978.

11. What friend did Russell give $3000.00 of stock to during WWII?
(a) Lady Constance Malleson.
(b) T.S. Eliot.
(c) Williams Stratchey.
(d) George Santayana.

12. Which political party did Bertolt Brecht faithfully serve?
(a) The Nazi Party.
(b) The Communist Party.
(c) The Nationalist Party.
(d) The Eastern Democratic Party.

13. Which author began to correspond with Orwell and visited him in the hospital?
(a) Ezra Pound.
(b) Cyril Connolly.
(c) Evelyn Waugh.
(d) P.G. Wodehouse.

14. What is the autobiography penned by Sartre?
(a) Les Mots.
(b) La Vie.
(c) C'est la.
(d) Rouge.

15. What was Brecht's first successful play?
(a) The Mother.
(b) Spartakus.
(c) Triumph and Sadness.
(d) The Slave.

Short Answer Questions

1. What venture did Gollancz start to counter the unwillingness of booksellers to stock ultra-left propaganda?

2. What foreign country did Gollancz live in briefly while working for the Ministry of Food?

3. Which of these was not written by Brecht?

4. Why did Hellman owe almost two hundred thousand dollars to the government in 1952?

5. What was the name of the first publishing firm that Gollancz worked for?

(see the answer keys)

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