Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Speer holds off Hitler's orders by suggesting what?
(a) All leaders go into hiding.
(b) Reconquest is still possible.
(c) The POWs be allowed to escape.
(d) Demolition of only the bridges to the cities.

2. Hitler refuses to believe that who cannot overrun the Americans?
(a) The Soviets.
(b) The Japanese.
(c) The elite SS.
(d) The average German soldier.

3. Hitler rejects Jodl's and Speer's attempts at what?
(a) Surrendering.
(b) Analyzing the enemies' capabilities.
(c) Designing new weaponry.
(d) Building more factories.

4. Who does Hitler number with Braun and Speer as his only friends?
(a) Jodl.
(b) Milch.
(c) His Alsatian dog Blondi.
(d) Bormann.

5. After a trip to Paris and several weeks in spartan conditions in Chesnay, Speer and the others are trucked back to where?
(a) Tratzberg Castle.
(b) Manzanares Castle.
(c) Kransberg Castle.
(d) Goldgasse Castle.

Short Answer Questions

1. Declaring Stalin right in 1937 to have purged his generals, Hitler is sure of victory after doing what?

2. While Speer recovers for six weeks with his family, what happens?

3. He rages against the British and the Jews and demands retaliatory raids without what?

4. Hitler refuses to take ___________ that Morell recommends?

5. Why are there no prisoners?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Speer's life become threatened? How is his life spared?

2. What does Hitler do when he ignores Speer's calls to cripple key Allied resources? How does he then calm Speer's fears of an armaments collapse?

3. What does Speer convince Hitler to do regarding Russian prisoners? Why is this, in the end, not necessary?

4. What happens to Speer as the war comes to an end?

5. What does Hitler do regarding the Todt Organization's building of defensive positions on the Dnieper? Why does he do this? How does this affect Germany?

6. What does Hitler say during his last radio address?

7. What takes place during an evening with Hitler?

8. What takes place while Speer recovers for six weeks?

9. How does Chapter 28 open?

10. What does Speer say about the danger of dictatorships?

(see the answer keys)

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