Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Assuming that the Allies need a large port to land, what does Hitler do?
(a) He destroys all the ports.
(b) He protects the coastal area and leaves the ports sparsely protected.
(c) He sets a trap at all the ports.
(d) He arms the ports but leaves coastal areas sparsely protected.

2. Industrialists give sober reports. How do Hitler and the generals react?
(a) They laugh at the reports.
(b) They believe the reports.
(c) They condemn the reports as pessimistic.
(d) They listen to the reports.

3. Hitler rejects Jodl's and Speer's attempts at what?
(a) Designing new weaponry.
(b) Analyzing the enemies' capabilities.
(c) Building more factories.
(d) Surrendering.

4. Hitler is more shaken by damage reports than __________ and orders impossible repairs of theaters to keep up public morale.
(a) Casualties.
(b) Battles.
(c) Allied invasions.
(d) Propaganda.

5. Once Hitler sees a military angle, he pushes production and Himmler offers who as workers?
(a) Military prisoners.
(b) Concentration camp prisoners.
(c) His SS men.
(d) His family.

6. As "Operation Citadel" opens, Speer convinces Hitler to spare who to serve as armaments laborers?
(a) British prisoners.
(b) French prisoners.
(c) Russian prisoners.
(d) Polish prisoners.

7. Hitler believes he will still be able to retire to _______ and studies plans.
(a) Zempelburg.
(b) Linz.
(c) Heidelberg.
(d) Czarmun.

8. Speer mediates a meeting of Goering, Guderian, Zeitzler, and Fromm to discuss what?
(a) Problems caused by other men in the inner circle.
(b) Problems caused by Hitler assuming command but not exercising it.
(c) Problems caused by Hitler's mental illness.
(d) Problems caused by the Allied forces.

9. He says his fate matters little when weighed against what?
(a) His actions in the name of Germany.
(b) The number of people who died during World War II.
(c) The fate of the civilians during World War II.
(d) The need to unify human beings against misuse of technology.

10. Speer sees Hitler's life "ebbing away" and his own later experience suggests that Hitler has what?
(a) Anxiety disorder.
(b) A prisoner's psychology.
(c) Schizophrenia.
(d) Depression.

11. After a trip to Paris and several weeks in spartan conditions in Chesnay, Speer and the others are trucked back to where?
(a) Tratzberg Castle.
(b) Goldgasse Castle.
(c) Manzanares Castle.
(d) Kransberg Castle.

12. Back in Berlin, Speer learns that his name appears in the rebels' planned government, but what saves his life?
(a) The annotation, "Probably not."
(b) The annotation, "Competent?"
(c) The annotation, "Hitler's friend."
(d) The annotation, "If possible?"

13. Hearing Hitler's voice, Maj. Remer who commands the troops surrounding Goebbels' Ministry, declares his loyalty and by ______ has crushed the plot.
(a) 10 PM.
(b) 8 PM.
(c) 9 PM.
(d) 7 PM.

14. Justice Robert H. Jackson delivers a devastating opening address, and how many months of testimony and documents detail the Nazi horror?
(a) Five.
(b) Two.
(c) Nine.
(d) Three.

15. Declaring Stalin right in 1937 to have purged his generals, Hitler is sure of victory after doing what?
(a) Exterminating every traitor.
(b) Bribing his generals.
(c) Killing every general.
(d) Spying on his generals.

Short Answer Questions

1. Chapter 28, "The Plunge," opens with Hitler again supporting ____________ against Speer.

2. What is another of Hitler's worst mistakes?

3. Speer keeps up his busy schedule and, hearing of Bormann and Sauckel's machinations, twice writes Hitler, for what reason?

4. Speer is allowed to state his views but forbidden to do what?

5. Hitler raises the specter of using the nerve agent _________ against the Soviets.

(see the answer keys)

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