Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Which skill is rarely taught?
2. Many are innumerate because they cannot connect math to:
3. What is often caused by childhood trauma?
4. The author mentions sagas from which country?
5. Which is taught in elementary schools?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is the author's opinion of the most common example of innumeracy?
2. What is the discussion regarding the number of certainties involved in math?
3. In what areas of one's life is estimation important?
4. What is most frequently taught in elementary school math classes?
5. What is Paulos' assertion regarding the principle of threes?
6. How is it possible for people to ignore false outcomes in regards to probabilities?
7. How did Paulos overcome his early negative experiences in math?
8. What is another commonly overlooked skill in elementary math classes? Why is it an issue?
9. Who is used as Paulos' example of educated innumerates? What is the person known for in the scientific world?
10. What is the author's opinion of parapsychology as a pseudoscience?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Paulos talks about relating various mathematical functions and algorithms to every day life. Why? What is different about using math in the classroom as opposed to every day events? How could it benefit or hinder one's learning process? Give examples of the use of these functions in at least five scenarios.
Essay Topic 2
Name at least five major or famous examples of probabilities and coincidences such as the Lincoln/Kennedy connection and the Columbus/Fermi correlation. Explain each in a coincidental sense and a probability sense.
Essay Topic 3
Paulos takes issue with the lack of proper focus on the skill of estimation. Examine Paulos' reasoning about the importance of estimation. In your eyes, is estimating an important skill? Explain. What can be gained by making estimations? How do you know when your sample group is large enough? Is it determined by the activity or question or are all sample groups the same size? What are the most common mistakes made when estimating? Can you prove the answer arrived upon is correct or incorrect? How? Create at least five examples of estimation as they might be found in every day situations.
This section contains 656 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |