Inland Test | Final Test - Medium

Téa Obreht
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Inland Test | Final Test - Medium

Téa Obreht
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What bothers Nora about her regular visitor to the house shortly after Evelyn is born?
(a) She does not seem to like men.
(b) She wants to bake all the time.
(c) She wants to hold the baby all the time.
(d) She drinks too much water.

2. What creatures are trying to get into the shack where Lurie's men are holed up for the night after the fight at the river?
(a) Wolves.
(b) Bears.
(c) Lions.
(d) Camels.

3. What tribe does the person who visits Nora shortly after Evelyn is born belong to?
(a) Iroquois.
(b) Apache.
(c) Mercantile.
(d) Cherokee.

4. What is Shaw afraid that the men he is with will do after he dies?
(a) Leave his body to the wolves.
(b) Rob his possessions.
(c) Dig him a shallow grave.
(d) Never tell his family he died.

5. What does Emmett once jokingly compare coming back to his house after being away to?
(a) Entering a church.
(b) Entering a competitive eating contest.
(c) Entering a barn.
(d) Entering a snake's nest.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Lurie tell Marshal John Berger he knows him from?

2. What does Lurie realize about the spirits of the dead for the first time in Part III?

3. What does Harlan propose buying from Nora?

4. Who is in the picture with Merrion Crace that hangs in the Mercantile?

5. How does Doc Almenara dress?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Marshal John Berger tell Lurie when he finally catches up with him in Part IV?

2. In Part III, why does Jolly ask Lurie to strike him in the jaw, but not too hard?

3. What does the doctor who tends to Burke offer Lurie for Burke in Part IV?

4. Why does Josie seem to take such a long time getting ready to pick berries in Part IV?

5. In Part IV, why does Nora feel guilty for having taken so long to go look for Josie?

6. Why does Nora begin to worry about the old Indian woman after she does not return for days on end in Part III?

7. Why does Emmett get so upset with Nora for giving a quote to a reporter about the election involving Sheriff Harlan Bell?

8. What kinds of animals harass Lurie and his party as they try to return a lost girl to her people in Part III?

9. In Part III, how does Shaw die?

10. How does Nora feel when Rob is born?

(see the answer keys)

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