Inland Test | Final Test - Medium

Téa Obreht
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Inland Test | Final Test - Medium

Téa Obreht
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the doctor Lurie pays to see Burke offer Lurie for Burke?
(a) $200.
(b) $15.
(c) $100.
(d) $30.

2. What does Nora ask Josie to do as she is preparing to do something else for Sheriff Harlan Bell in Part IV?
(a) Kill the fox that has been harassing them.
(b) Pick hackberries.
(c) Weed the garden.
(d) Can some fruit.

3. Where does Nora tell the Doc Emmett is delayed?
(a) West Virginia.
(b) Saratoga.
(c) Ash River.
(d) Cumberland.

4. What does Emmett once jokingly compare coming back to his house after being away to?
(a) Entering a competitive eating contest.
(b) Entering a church.
(c) Entering a barn.
(d) Entering a snake's nest.

5. Who tested out the phone line at the Worther Hotel?
(a) Merrion Crace and Nora Lark.
(b) Walton Pickney and Merrion Crace.
(c) Merrion Crace and Emmett Lark.
(d) Harlan Bell and Nora Lark.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nora get from Dolan's room to help her shave Harlan Bell?

2. How does George know they are too late on their mission with the girl in Part III?

3. Who is Jolly's camel?

4. What term of affection does Nora sometimes use to address Toby?

5. Which winter was a terribly brutal one in Amargo?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Part III, what contraption does Ab the chef try to offload on other people the travelers in Lurie's party meet?

2. In Part IV, why does Nora feel guilty for having taken so long to go look for Josie?

3. What does the doctor who tends to Burke offer Lurie for Burke in Part IV?

4. In Part III, what does Nora overhear her husband telling her two older sons that hurts her feelings?

5. What is the problem that drives Gabriela and Lurie apart in Part IV?

6. What does Lurie observe that the happiness of a stranger inspires in others?

7. How does Nora feel when Sheriff Harlan Bell gets married?

8. In Part III, how does Mico die?

9. Why does Emmett get so upset with Nora for giving a quote to a reporter about the election involving Sheriff Harlan Bell?

10. What kind of harm comes to The Sentinel offices in Part III?

(see the answer keys)

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