Inland Test | Final Test - Easy

Téa Obreht
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Inland Test | Final Test - Easy

Téa Obreht
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who eventually leads Lurie back to Jolly?
(a) Duena Donna.
(b) Duena Mariella.
(c) Duena Maria.
(d) Duena Josella.

2. What is a sign that a camel needs water badly?
(a) The humps start to sag.
(b) The camel's eyelashes start falling out.
(c) The camel's tongue swells.
(d) The camel starts eating much more.

3. What does Josie tell Nora about the beast she saw?
(a) It was huge and it seemed to have wings on its back.
(b) It looked like a horse, but it also looked like a lion.
(c) It was small but had a loud shriek.
(d) It was hairless and bony.

4. What does Nora think Emmett's delay in returning home from Cumberland might be due to?
(a) His need to settle a score with someone.
(b) His need to settle his debts.
(c) His need to visit his brother.
(d) His impulse for adventure.

5. What bothers Nora about her regular visitor to the house shortly after Evelyn is born?
(a) She wants to bake all the time.
(b) She drinks too much water.
(c) She wants to hold the baby all the time.
(d) She does not seem to like men.

6. Who does Nora's son Dolan like in a romantic way?
(a) Gabriela.
(b) Josie.
(c) Jessica.
(d) Desma.

7. Why do some of the men break off from the others in Lurie's party in Part III?
(a) To fight Indians.
(b) To try to bring a lost girl back to her people.
(c) To hunt the wolves.
(d) To pan for gold.

8. Who comes to visit Nora shortly after Evelyn is born?
(a) A tabby cat.
(b) An old Indian woman.
(c) A man asking for water regularly.
(d) A young white neighbor.

9. What tribe does the person who visits Nora shortly after Evelyn is born belong to?
(a) Mercantile.
(b) Iroquois.
(c) Cherokee.
(d) Apache.

10. Where does Nora tell the Doc Emmett is delayed?
(a) West Virginia.
(b) Cumberland.
(c) Saratoga.
(d) Ash River.

11. What does Nora do to Make Josie easier to carry up the slope?
(a) She sets her on her feet so she can walk a little.
(b) She folds her up over her shoulders.
(c) She makes her drop all her bags she is carrying.
(d) She takes her dress off.

12. Who had been sheriff before Harlan Bell in Amargo?
(a) Red Burton.
(b) Duke Bowler.
(c) Mac Calwell.
(d) John Raines.

13. Who do Harlan and Nora go out into the night looking for in Part IV?
(a) Rob.
(b) Dolan.
(c) Josie.
(d) Emmett.

14. What does Jolly tell Lurie when Lurie asks him if he has ever killed a man?
(a) Of course, because he fought for two years in Algiers.
(b) No, because he is a Muslim.
(c) He killed one man once, in self-defense.
(d) He does not want to say.

15. What secret does Nora discover Josie has been keeping in Part III?
(a) She is really sick and dying.
(b) She speaks several languages.
(c) She is romantically involved with Dolan.
(d) She is romantically involved with Rob.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nora try to use to appease her regular visitor to the house shortly after Evelyn is born?

2. Who is in the picture with Merrion Crace that hangs in the Mercantile?

3. Which winter was a terribly brutal one in Amargo?

4. What does Harlan propose buying from Nora?

5. Where does Nora tell Merrion Crace Josie has gone?

(see the answer keys)

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