Inland Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Téa Obreht
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Inland Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Téa Obreht
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What curiosity unites Emmett and Nora when they first meet?
(a) Emmett's compass.
(b) Emmett's tooth from a river horse.
(c) Emmett's snow globe.
(d) Emmett's nazar.

2. What is written on a gold-lettered shingle at The Sentinel office?
(a) Lark and Sons.
(b) The Lark Family Editors.
(c) The Newspaper Boys.
(d) Emmett Lark.

3. What does Lurie say about camel hair?
(a) It is the coarsest in creation.
(b) It is warm.
(c) It is the softest in creation.
(d) It is flimsy.

4. Why has Nora recently shaved Toby's head in Part I?
(a) Because the doctor had needed to operate on his brain.
(b) To deal with lice.
(c) Because it was dirty with mud.
(d) Because it was too hot for him.

5. What is Lurie compelled to do by Hobb's spirit?
(a) Become a tailor.
(b) Eat.
(c) Steal.
(d) Drink.

6. Where does Nora grow up?
(a) Morton Hole.
(b) Ash River.
(c) Amargo.
(d) Saratoga.

7. What author does Obreht open the novel with a quote from?
(a) William Shakespeare.
(b) John La Carre.
(c) Patrick DeWitt.
(d) James Galvin.

8. What is the name of the rival newspaper a few towns over from where Nora lives?
(a) The Saratoga Review.
(b) The Ash River Clarion.
(c) The Times-Tribune.
(d) The Allentown Caller.

9. What does Desma tell the postman as he scrambles off her land?
(a) Not to lay a hand on a piece of paper with her name on it ever again.
(b) Not to speak to Nora ever again.
(c) Not to call her by her first husband's name ever again.
(d) Not to steal from her garden ever again.

10. What does Toby want his mother to see in the brush in Part I?
(a) Tracks he has found.
(b) Snow.
(c) Stars.
(d) An injured dog.

11. What gang does Lurie join that commits crimes?
(a) The Marshal Gang.
(b) The Bahul Gang.
(c) The Blue River Gang.
(d) The Mattie Gang.

12. What does Donovan tell Lurie when he asks Donovan why he left Lurie at the roadside?
(a) He thought he had a better chance of living on his own.
(b) He thought it was the last kindness he could pay him.
(c) He could not carry Lurie any longer.
(d) Lurie was no longer his responsibility.

13. Which older member of her husband's family also lives with Nora?
(a) James' grandfather.
(b) Emmett's mother.
(c) Emmett's uncle.
(d) John's father.

14. Who does Lurie originally steal the nazar from?
(a) Mohammed Ali.
(b) Darvan Jones.
(c) Micro Ronta.
(d) Hadji Ali.

15. Where does Nora think her two older sons have gone at the end of Part II?
(a) San Francisco.
(b) Prescott.
(c) Saratoga.
(d) Ash River.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nora find has happened at The Sentinel office when she visits it in town?

2. What is George's camel's name?

3. What does Desma do to the postman as he rides away?

4. Who is Evelyn's first-born child?

5. What letter does Nora find at The Sentinel office that gives her a clue to her sons' whereabouts?

(see the answer keys)

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