Inkheart Test | Final Test - Hard

Cornelia Funke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Inkheart Test | Final Test - Hard

Cornelia Funke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Farid take with him when he sneaks into Capricorn's village in chapter 41?

2. Who does the crowd believe caused the fire that is devouring Capricorn's house in chapter 56?

3. Who stops Mortola from taking the new passage from Meggie in the middle of her reading?

4. How does Darius tell Meggie and Fenoglio that he was punished when he did not read out of books what Capricorn wanted?

5. What does Mortola threaten to do to Meggie in chapter 48 when she reveals that she knows Mortola is Capricorn's mother?

Short Essay Questions

1. What language does Mo write a note in for Meggie in chapter 42? Why has he chosen this language?

2. Who is Resa? Why does Dustfinger remark that the only time you can hear her voice is when she laughs?

3. What does Mo find in Dustfinger's backpack that helps him understand Dustfinger's behaviors recently?

4. What does Meggie try to tell Dustfinger in chapter 49 that she is unable to convey due to Basta's presence?

5. What words does Meggie read in chapter 56 that cause The Shadow that she reads out of Inkheart to be altered from the one originally written?

6. What does Meggie see in the seconds before she falls asleep in chapter 57?

7. Where does Dustfinger hide in chapter 52? What does he find there?

8. Where does Meggie decide to hide the paper with the new passage the author has written for her to read at the execution?

9. In chapter 43, Dustfinger thinks about his impending death and has an idea that it will allow him to return home. Why? Where is home?

10. Why does Meggie read the passage in Peter Pan that features Tinker Bell? What happens?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Who is Basta? Why does he chase Mo and Meggie most of the novel? What happens to Basta when he allows Mo to get away the first two times? What happens when Dustfinger tricks Basta into allowing him to escape from the basement of the old church? Why is Basta sentenced to die with Resa? When the book comes to its conclusion, why does Basta not disappear like the majority of Capricorn's men? How does Basta react to this?

Essay Topic 2

Who is Meggie? What great love does she share with her father? How did Meggie learn to read? Why does her father never read aloud to her? What is her book box? Who made it? What does it contain? Where did the lining of the box come from? Why do Meggie and her father travel so much? How does Meggie feel about this? What does Meggie learn from Dustfinger is the real reason for their frequent moves? What else does Dustfinger reveal to Meggie that she did not know before?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss one of the following objects in an essay, discussing the impact of these objects on the characters and their actions, using quotes from the book to support your conclusions:

1) Books

2) Book box

3) Backpack

4) Van.

(see the answer keys)

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