Inkheart Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Cornelia Funke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Inkheart Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Cornelia Funke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Dustfinger say he does not know how to drive?

2. What are Basta and Flatnose debating as they come up the hill toward Mo and company's hiding place in chapter 21?

3. Why does Meggie jump out of the camper van and refuse to leave in chapter 3?

4. What memories does Meggie awaken in Elinor in chapter 8?

5. What does Basta carve into a dresser so that Mo will know who has taken Meggie and Fenoglio?

Short Essay Questions

1. In chapter 24, why does the author say he did not kill off Basta and Capricorn in his book?

2. In chapter 13, what does Dustfinger tell Elinor about her personality based on her interests and the stories she likes to tell?

3. Who does Meggie compare Dustfinger to in chapter 17? Why?

4. When Meggie tells Mo that she sees someone outside the bedroom window, what book does he accuse her of reading before going to sleep?

5. Why is Elinor not happy to see Meggie at her front door?

6. What does Meggie see Mo wrapping in brown paper in chapter 2? What is unusual about this?

7. Who does Meggie use as a spy in chapter 27? For what reason?

8. In chapter 16, Mo tells Meggie and Elinor what happened the night he read Inkheart aloud to his wife and daughter. How did Mo try to return Capricorn and Basta to the book before finally driving them out of the house with a sword?

9. Why does Meggie tell Dustfinger in chapter 26 that he must never go back inside Inkheart?

10. In chapter 19, what does Mo tell Meggie to help soothe her fear and to help her sleep?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

At the end of the book, dozens of mythical creatures appear. Where do they come from? For what reason? Where do some of these creatures decide to go? What role does Elinor play in their lives? Where do some of them go? Where does Tinker Bell decide to go? Where do Mo and Meggie decide to settle down? For what reason? Why does the author leave some loose ends at the end of the book? How does the reader know that there will be subsequent books in this series? Does this book stand alone well, or does the reader feel obligated to read the other novels in the series?

Essay Topic 2

When does Mo realize that when he reads something out of a book, something must go into a book? How long has Mo known he could read things out of books? How often has he noticed items around him disappearing while new items appear? Who did Mo read out of Inkheart? What went inside Inkheart? How does Mo try to reverse what has happened? Does it work? Why does Mo stop reading aloud? Why does Mo begin moving around often? What is he hiding from? How does this situation find him? Does Mo ever find a way to make amends for what happened the night he read Inkheart aloud?

Essay Topic 3

Who is Meggie? What great love does she share with her father? How did Meggie learn to read? Why does her father never read aloud to her? What is her book box? Who made it? What does it contain? Where did the lining of the box come from? Why do Meggie and her father travel so much? How does Meggie feel about this? What does Meggie learn from Dustfinger is the real reason for their frequent moves? What else does Dustfinger reveal to Meggie that she did not know before?

(see the answer keys)

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