Inkheart Test | Final Test - Easy

Cornelia Funke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Inkheart Test | Final Test - Easy

Cornelia Funke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Meggie ask the author to make the Shadow do when she calls it out of Inkheart?
(a) Kill Basta.
(b) Kill Capricorn.
(c) Save Mo.
(d) Release its victims.

2. What did Resa teach Dustfinger?
(a) To talk.
(b) To read.
(c) To sing.
(d) To cook.

3. What does the author tell Meggie to ask for in exchange for reading aloud a new story?
(a) A visit to Dustfinger.
(b) Pencil and paper.
(c) A car.
(d) A phone.

4. How long does Dustfinger tell Farid Resa has been Capricorn's maid?
(a) Six years.
(b) Five years.
(c) Nine years.
(d) Four years.

5. Who brings breakfast to Meggie and Fenoglio in chapter 42?
(a) Basta.
(b) Capricorn.
(c) Mortola.
(d) Flatnose.

6. Why does Fenoglio tell Meggie not to try to escape in chapter 38?
(a) She will place Mo at unneccessary risk.
(b) She will get lost in the countryside.
(c) She will put Fenoglio in danger.
(d) She will get hurt by the men with guns.

7. What does Farid say his job was in his other life?
(a) Guarding.
(b) Stealing.
(c) Cooking.
(d) Sneaking into villages unseen.

8. Why does Dustfinger say Capricorn often moves around from place to place?
(a) He has an illness that forces him to follow warm weather.
(b) He is searching for an more ideal place to settle down.
(c) He has a wanderer's soul.
(d) The police eventually become nosey.

9. What warning does Dustfinger give Farid when Farid accidentally causes a small grass fire?
(a) Fire is not a toy.
(b) Fire must be respected.
(c) Fire is a dark enemy.
(d) Fire should be treated as a friend.

10. What did Capricorn's father do for a living?
(a) Farmer.
(b) Knight.
(c) Pastor.
(d) Blacksmith.

11. What does Mortola bring Meggie to wear to the executions in chapter 53?
(a) A green dress.
(b) A white dress.
(c) Black slacks and a black jacket.
(d) A pair of khaki slacks.

12. What does Fenoglio think Tinker Bell is the first time he sees her?
(a) A child's toy.
(b) An animated flashlight.
(c) A lightening bug.
(d) A mutated glow worm.

13. What does Mo discover Capricorn's henchmen have taken from their makeshift camp while they hide in a cellar?
(a) Their blankets and bloodied bandages.
(b) Their car.
(c) Their books.
(d) Their money and food.

14. Why has Darius come to see Meggie in chapter 42?
(a) To check her health.
(b) To befriend her.
(c) To try to talk her into reading the Shadow out of Inkheart.
(d) To test her silvertongue abilities.

15. Why does Dustfinger claim he no longer loves Resa in chapter 58?
(a) She betrayed him to Mo.
(b) She chose her daughter over him.
(c) She chose Basta over him.
(d) She betrayed him to Capricorn.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Farid's idea to create a diversion when he, Mo, and Elinor sneak into the village to save Meggie?

2. What does Fenoglio spend the night doing in chapter 46?

3. How does Fenoglio distract Mortola and Capricorn so that Meggie can slip his pages out of her sleeve in chapter 56?

4. What does Dustfinger tell Basta his rabbit's foot will attract?

5. What argument with Mo does Elinor recall in chapter 47?

(see the answer keys)

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