Inkheart Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Cornelia Funke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Inkheart Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Cornelia Funke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Meggie suggest Dustfinger must have gone in chapter 8?
(a) To follow Mo and his kidnappers.
(b) To warn Capricorn of what has happened.
(c) To get help from some friends.
(d) To get the police.

2. What does Capricorn want Meggie for?
(a) To force her father to read for him.
(b) To force Resa to be loyal to him.
(c) To force her to read for him.
(d) To force Dustfinger to remain his servant.

3. What picture does the sight of Elinor's house remind Meggie of?
(a) Mona Lisa.
(b) Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights
(c) Monet's Picnic.
(d) The Selfish Giant's garden.

4. What does Mo tell Meggie his wife was too vain to wear?
(a) Hats.
(b) Glasses.
(c) Jeans.
(d) Bulky sweaters.

5. How old was Meggie the night Mo read Capricorn, Basta, and Dustfinger out of Inkheart?
(a) Three.
(b) One.
(c) Two.
(d) Four.

6. Why does Meggie jump out of the camper van and refuse to leave in chapter 3?
(a) She does not trust Dustfinger.
(b) She is afraid of Gwin.
(c) She does not want to miss school.
(d) She wants to know Mo's secret.

7. What reason does Mo tell Meggie is why he does not go back to Capricorn's village to retrieve the last copy of Inkheart?
(a) Meggie.
(b) His fear of Capricorn.
(c) His fear of Basta.
(d) Dustfinger.

8. What book does Mo tell Meggie no one can read right through to the end?
(a) The Stand.
(b) The Thousand and One Nights.
(c) Alice in Wonderland.
(d) Treasure Island.

9. What question does Meggie ask Mo in chapter 5 that she never thought about until Dustfinger brought it up?
(a) Why he never remarried.
(b) Why he does not search for her mother.
(c) Why they move around so much.
(d) Why he does not read aloud to her.

10. Why does Elinor begin telling stories about castles and knights in chapter 13?
(a) To keep Meggie from crying.
(b) To keep herself from falling asleep.
(c) To keep the silence at bay during the long drive to Capricorn's village.
(d) To keep Dustfinger from talking so much.

11. What keeps Meggie from chasing after Mo and Capricorn's men initially in chapter 6?
(a) Mo.
(b) Dustfinger.
(c) Elinor.
(d) A gun pointed at her by the henchmen.

12. What district of Italy is Capricorn's village located in?
(a) Venice.
(b) Tuscany.
(c) Liguria.
(d) Genoa.

13. Why does Mo explain in chapter 16 he decided to never read aloud from a book again?
(a) When Dustfinger begged Mo not to kill him.
(b) When he realized he could not save Teresa.
(c) When he discovered he had read the mailman into Inkheart.
(d) When he discovered a transparent man in his living room.

14. What reason does Mo tell Meggie he has decided to remain in Fenoglio's village in chapter 27?
(a) To repair Fenoglio's books.
(b) To wait while Fenoglio searches for a copy of Inkheart.
(c) To recover from his dog bite.
(d) To look for a job.

15. How do the police react in chapter 8 when Meggie tells them to search for Capricorn?
(a) They ignore her and file a report using only the information Elinor gave them.
(b) They ask Elinor why Meggie is not in bed.
(c) They put out an APB.
(d) They apparently think she is joking.

Short Answer Questions

1. What causes Meggie to feel a little jealous in chapter 29?

2. Why does Elinor insist on taking her own car to Capricorn's village in chapter 12?

3. Who comes in chapter 19 to help Mo, Meggie, and Elinor escape?

4. What does Farid use in chapter 23 to collect donations from people watching Dustfinger's act?

5. What does Capricorn believe Mo is?

(see the answer keys)

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