Inherit the Wind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Inherit the Wind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Darwin's "Origin of Species" directly conflict with?
(a) Science.
(b) Judaism.
(c) The Bible.
(d) Mysticism.

2. Bannister claims that Drummond represents who in the past?
(a) Two child murderers in Chicago.
(b) A poacher from North Dakota.
(c) Preachers from the South.
(d) A serial killer from the North.

3. Where does the opening of Act One take place?
(a) The town square.
(b) Hillsboro Courthouse.
(c) Hillsboro Lake.
(d) Melinda's home.

4. What name does Hornbeck give the monkey in Act One?
(a) Sal.
(b) Bert Cates.
(c) Grandpa.
(d) Reverend Brown.

5. What song does the town sing to greet Brady?
(a) "The Star Spangled Banner."
(b) "Old Time Religion."
(c) "America the Beautiful."
(d) "Greensleeves."

6. Who does Rachel tell Drummond she is scared of?
(a) Cates.
(b) Her father.
(c) The monkey.
(d) Brady.

7. What type of jury does Brady want?
(a) Fair and partial.
(b) Forward thinking intellects.
(c) Pious older women.
(d) One that conforms to the patterns of society.

8. What does Rachel beg Drummond to do, following jury selection?
(a) Call off the trial.
(b) Show some respect for her town.
(c) Defend Cates to his best ability.
(d) Read his Bible.

9. How does Rachel describe Brady to Cates?
(a) "The biggest man in the country."
(b) "A crusader for the wicked."
(c) "Scared of his own shadow."
(d) "Hungry for power and reluctant to forgive."

10. According to Hornbeck, who is the monkey's greatest descendant?
(a) Darwin.
(b) Brady.
(c) Melinda.
(d) Reverend Brown.

11. Who is providing Cates with a lawyer?
(a) The Baltimore Herald.
(b) The Chicago Times.
(c) The school board.
(d) The New Yorker.

12. To Rachel, Hornbeck claims to be on whose side?
(a) Rachel.
(b) Hillsboro.
(c) Cates.
(d) Reverend Brown.

13. Who encourages the town to greet Brady's arrival?
(a) Timmy.
(b) The Storekeeper.
(c) Hornbeck.
(d) Reverend Brown.

14. Rachel tells Hornbeck all answers to existence are found where?
(a) The stars.
(b) Nature.
(c) The heavens.
(d) The Bible.

15. What type of meeting is held at the court on the night of the jury selection?
(a) City council.
(b) Evolution.
(c) Prayer.
(d) Civil rights.

Short Answer Questions

1. What ability does Bannister lack?

2. The Storekeeper thinks opinions are what?

3. In Act One, what does Rachel try to convince Cates to do?

4. When Hornbeck comes to town, what does he buy?

5. Brady complains that Drummond is bringing too much of what during jury selection?

(see the answer keys)

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