Inheritance Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 238 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Inheritance Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 238 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Leo call his first novel?
(a) Surviving Toby Darling.
(b) Walter's Children.
(c) The Inheritance.
(d) The Farmhouse.

2. When Adam reminds Toby of his declaration of love and unwelcome sexual advances, how does Toby respond?
(a) He implies that Adam was a willing participant.
(b) He denies that any of this happened.
(c) He tells Adam that it was not a big deal.
(d) He claims that Adam deliberately led him on.

3. What does Leo realize about Toby when he gets to Toby's theater?
(a) Toby was using Leo as a substitute for Eric.
(b) Toby does not really understand what love is.
(c) Toby is not the man he pretends to be.
(d) Toby was using Leo as a substitute for Adam.

4. At the end of Part One, Act One, what does the reader learn about Toby's father?
(a) He abandoned the family.
(b) He physically abused Toby.
(c) He committed suicide.
(d) He sexually abused Toby.

5. Who does Eric try to call as soon as Henry leaves for his business trip?
(a) Toby.
(b) Jasper.
(c) Tristan.
(d) Leo.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Toby offer Leo in the note that he leaves for Leo?

2. Why does Eric search through Henry's things when Henry is away on business?

3. What does Eric tell Toby about his new play?

4. When does the opening of Part Two, Act Two take place?

5. Whom does the caretaker say Eric reminds her of?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the subtext of Adam and Toby's argument about the new line Toby has added to the play?

2. How did Henry's fear during the AIDS epidemic end up robbing him of his ability to truly love another man?

3. How does Toby's experience at the opening of his play relate to the scene he makes at Eric's wedding?

4. How does Henry's real reason for refusing sexual intimacy with Eric contrast with the reason he gave Eric at the beginning of their relationship?

5. What does the farmhouse caretaker say is the reason that so many gay men died during the AIDS epidemic?

6. What regrets did Michael's mother have about his death, and what did she do to ease her conscience?

7. What is ironic about Henry's comments about giving the farmhouse to Walter during the reenacted scene between Young Henry and Young Walter in Act Two, Scene Two?

8. What is the "faux-art" that Tucker makes?

9. What does Henry's vague communication about Eric's belongings cause to happen at the farmhouse?

10. What points about money and status are made in the scene between Eric, Leo, and the two doormen outside Toby's apartment building?

(see the answer keys)

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