Inheritance Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 238 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Inheritance Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 238 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 6: Part Two, Act Three and Epilogue.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What personal item in Adam's Chicago apartment does Toby say is "sweet" (69)?
(a) A photo of Adam with his parents.
(b) A letter that Adam is writing to Eric.
(c) A drawing of Toby that Adam is working on.
(d) Adam's childhood teddy bear.

2. What does Walter tell Eric about Eric's relationship with Toby?
(a) He thinks they are not well-suited to one another.
(b) He thinks it likely that Toby will leave Eric for Adam.
(c) He thinks that Toby is using Eric for a place to live.
(d) He thinks that as Toby becomes more successful, he will lose interest in Eric.

3. On page 53, what does Young Man 1 say "upended" Eric's life?
(a) The prospect of being evicted.
(b) Toby leaving for Chicago.
(c) Adam getting the lead in Toby's play.
(d) Eric running into Walter.

4. Why does Leo want to head north toward the George Washington Bridge in Act Two, Scene Four?
(a) This is the direction of Eric and Henry's townhouse.
(b) This is the direction of Toby's apartment.
(c) This is the direction of the theater where Toby's play is showing.
(d) He is planning to kill himself.

5. What does Toby's behavior when he and Leo visit the Strand together demonstrate about him?
(a) He has still not learned how to present himself authentically.
(b) He is trying to turn Leo into a version of Adam.
(c) He has a lot of unresolved anger toward his parents.
(d) He desperately wants to be a more cultured and educated person.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Young Henry and Young Walter replay their first meeting in Act Two, Scene Two, what is the rhetorical function of the detail about the movie E.T.?

2. When they are all at dinner together, what conclusion do Charles and Paul reach about their father and Eric?

3. Whom is it implied that Leo looks like?

4. What is Henry's first concern when he learns that Leo is staying at the townhouse?

5. What character does Young Man 7 ridicule Toby for comparing his protagonist to?

(see the answer key)

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