Independent People Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Independent People Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Nonni learn he will go in Section 3?
(a) America.
(b) Europe.
(c) Vik.
(d) University in Rome.

2. Who died the same day that Finna died?
(a) Nonni.
(b) The grandmother.
(c) The lambs.
(d) Bukolla.

3. What does Bjartur find in "Spring Days," in Section 3?
(a) A dead lamb.
(b) A chest of gold.
(c) A new wife.
(d) A frozen corpse, most likely Helgi.

4. What do many Icelanders come to call World War I?
(a) The Blessed War.
(b) The Happy Time.
(c) America's shame.
(d) The Nightmare.

5. What global situation is taking place at the start of Section 4?
(a) Civil Rights Movement.
(b) Vietnam War.
(c) A meteor shower.
(d) World War I.

6. What does Gvendur wish for during wishing time?
(a) Helgi will come home.
(b) He will get married.
(c) Finna will be alive again.
(d) Father's sheep will have a good winter.

7. Who is Helgi worried about coming to Summerhouse in Section 3?
(a) The teacher.
(b) The Sheriff.
(c) Madam of Myri.
(d) The neighborhood girl who wishes to be married.

8. Why does Asta go to Rauthsmyri in Section 3?
(a) To have a new dress made for her.
(b) To be confirmed.
(c) To find the teacher.
(d) To get a job.

9. What happens after wishing time in Section 3?
(a) Nonni and Gvendur fight.
(b) Asta and the teacher sleep together.
(c) Helgi returns home.
(d) The teacher leaves.

10. According to Thorir of Gilteig, what does one need to have faith in?
(a) Sheep.
(b) Dogs.
(c) One's children.
(d) The land.

11. What "relic of the Monopoly" does the grandmother take out on Christmas night?
(a) Her hair pins.
(b) Her kerchief.
(c) Her wooden teeth.
(d) Her final sweets.

12. What animal does Bjartur and Hallbera discuss at the end of Section 4?
(a) Cows.
(b) Sheep.
(c) Pigs.
(d) Dogs.

13. What item is Bjartur's new house missing?
(a) Doors.
(b) A roof.
(c) Windows.
(d) Walls.

14. How many women does Bjartur say he would rather be married to than have one housekeeper?
(a) 12.
(b) 2.
(c) 50.
(d) 3.

15. Who gives Bjartur his new property after he loses Summerhouse?
(a) Hallbera.
(b) Asta Sollilja.
(c) Gvendur.
(d) Ingolfur.

Short Answer Questions

1. What nickname does Bjartur call Ingolfur by?

2. Why do many people come to Summer house in Section 3?

3. What happens to Bjartur's house at the end of Section 4?

4. Who is Finna?

5. What furniture does Bjartur move to his new house in Section 4?

(see the answer keys)

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