Independence Day Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Independence Day Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In whose home does Frank live?
(a) His ex-wife's
(b) His mother's
(c) His best friend's
(d) His own

2. What did Frank hope when he returned to Haddam?
(a) That he would return to his religion
(b) That he and Ann might reconcile
(c) That his golf game would improve
(d) That he could get a new car

3. What is Frank Bascombe's profession?
(a) Real estate
(b) Law
(c) Finance
(d) Education

4. What is Frank donating to the Fourth of July festival?
(a) Chairs
(b) Raffle prizes
(c) Hot dogs and root beer
(d) Tents

5. According to Frank, buying a home is ____________________________.
(a) One of the most hopeful things a person can do
(b) A privilege
(c) A smart investment
(d) A luxury

Short Answer Questions

1. With whom is Frank going on a trip over the holiday weekend?

2. Even though Joe likes the house, Phyllis is negative about it because of ________________________.

3. What does Ann inadvertently call Frank before hanging up the phone?

4. What does Frank plan to do now that he has some extra time this afternoon?

5. What do the Markhams do with the information about the new listing?

Short Essay Questions

1. What physical problems has Paul been experiencing during this troubled time?

2. What things must Frank attend to before heading out of town for his trip with Paul?

3. How does Ann inadvertently reveal her remaining feelings for Frank?

4. How did Frank help Karl out of his problem at the restaurant?

5. Explain the beginning of Frank's Existence Period.

6. Who are the Markhams?

7. Explain what Frank means by the "realty dreads"?

8. What is Joe's state of mind regarding his ability to make decisions properly right now?

9. Why does Frank resent the lower class tourists in the area?

10. What efforts have been made on Paul's behalf to help him get through this difficult period?

(see the answer keys)

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