Indecent Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Indecent Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who in The God of Vengeance finds the cast guilty of presenting an indecent, obscene, and immoral play, exhibition, and drama?
(a) The People of the State of New York.
(b) The People of the Borough of Manhattan.
(c) The People of the State of New Jersey.
(d) The People of the United States of America.

2. Why has the rain scene been removed from the Broadway script?
(a) The cost of having it rain on stage was too high.
(b) The actresses decided they were not comfortable with the scene.
(c) It has been decided that the uptown crowd can handle a brothel but not lesbian love.
(d) It was illegal to have homosexuality on the stage.

3. Who does the judge blame for the content of The God of Vengeance?
(a) The East.
(b) The Jews.
(c) Those from downtown.
(d) The poor.

4. In 1922, New York City: Rehearsal for the English Transfer, what is taking place between Dorothee and Reina?
(a) They are having lunch.
(b) They are in deep discussion.
(c) They are singing.
(d) They are fighting.

5. Why does Sholem want to change the way gentiles see Jews?
(a) He has many gentile friends.
(b) He fears the pogroms of Europe are coming to America.
(c) He is tired of the mistreatment he has received.
(d) He wishes he were a gentile.

6. What is Sholem's response when Madje asks if they will stop the show because of the content of the show?
(a) Yes, they will stop the show because of the content.
(b) They will stop the show because the producer cannot make the theatre rent payment.
(c) No, they will not stop the show.
(d) They will stop the show because they are "polack kikes" on Broadway.

7. In 1920, Ellis Island: An Impossibly Long Line, the troupe is lined up where?
(a) On a boat in New York harbor.
(b) Pennsylvania Station.
(c) At the base of the Statue of Liberty.
(d) In the Great Hall on Ellis Island.

8. 1923, On Broadway lists what?
(a) All of the current shows on Broadway.
(b) All the cast members of The God of Vengeance.
(c) The locations The cast had traveled in which to perform The God of Vengeance.
(d) All of the current shows on Broadway except The God of Vengeance.

9. What does Asch admit to the cast at their first meeting?
(a) This is his first play.
(b) This is his last play.
(c) He hates writing plays.
(d) This is his first play in German.

10. In Rabbi Silverman – A Sermon, Temple Emanu-El, Silverman is appalled at Asch’s play and says he expects to be abused by whom but not by a fellow Jew?
(a) Muslim extremists.
(b) So-called Christians.
(c) The American government.
(d) The Nazis.

11. In 1923: A Doctor, A Diagnosis, why does Madje have Sholem seen by a doctor?
(a) He has been having severe migraines.
(b) He has been having heart palpitations.
(c) He has not been sleeping well.
(d) He has a chronic cough.

12. In Full Company Meeting: The Provincetown Playhouse, how does the cast respond when they learn that the Broadway production will not include the romantic rain scene at the end of the play?
(a) They are not surprised.
(b) They are relieved.
(c) They are nervous.
(d) They are appalled.

13. For how long has Lemml known they were going to fire Reina?
(a) 2 days.
(b) 2 minutes.
(c) 2 weeks.
(d) 2 hours.

14. What does Madje wish Sholem had never done?
(a) Brought them to America.
(b) Written The God of Vengeance.
(c) Gone to Vilna and learned about the pogroms.
(d) Changed his script to appease his producer.

15. The judge says that, although theatre is not what, it should still reflect the moral values of the American people?
(a) As old as other art forms.
(b) As popular as other art forms.
(c) The most refined art form.
(d) As interesting as other art forms.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Officer Bailie Enters the Wings, the show is coming to an end, and Officer Bailie asks Asch to have the cast do what?

2. 1911, St. Petersburg is a repeat of the last few lines of the play, minus what?

3. The Last Moments of the Play is a repeat of what?

4. What does the producer say those who cannot handle script changes should do?

5. How does O’Neill feel towards Asch?

(see the answer keys)

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