In Country Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In Country Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Because of working on the foundation of the house, Emmett becomes acutely conscious of what?
(a) Mud viscosity.
(b) Basement lighting.
(c) Structures.
(d) Mold count.

2. When is Lonnie's brother getting married?
(a) Christmas.
(b) Labor Day.
(c) Memorial Day.
(d) Valentine's Day.

3. What does Tom hand Sam to drink?
(a) Some orange juice.
(b) A Coke.
(c) A glass of water.
(d) A whisky.

4. What does Sam think of her name?
(a) She hates it.
(b) She uses it to fool people.
(c) She wants to be called Lisa.
(d) It's an all-purpose name.

5. When M*A*S*H ends its run, what does Emmett say is not the same?
(a) Television.
(b) AfterMash.
(c) His take on war.
(d) Sam's attitude.

6. What brand of brownie mix does Anita prefer?
(a) Hershey.
(b) Ghirardelli.
(c) Duncan Hines.
(d) Betty Crocker.

7. Who does Martha work with at the beauty shop that thinks Emmett is cute as a bug's ear?
(a) Dawn.
(b) Anita.
(c) Sally Ann.
(d) Carolyn Crews.

8. How was the gym decorated for the dance?
(a) Like a Japanese tea party.
(b) Like a birthday party.
(c) Like the Vietnam jungle.
(d) Like a float parade.

9. Where does Tom say the bird that Emmett is looking for resided in Vietnam?
(a) On the beach.
(b) In palm trees.
(c) Along rice paddies.
(d) Near mountain passes.

10. What does Anita tell Sam that Emmett wrote on the chalkboard when Anita was visiting high school classes?
(a) Orioles.
(b) War is Hell.
(c) Egret.
(d) Go Chiefs.

11. Emmett's ability to become absorbed in thought over mundane things makes him good at what?
(a) Watching television.
(b) Pac-Man.
(c) Sweeping floors.
(d) Digging trenches.

12. What is Emmett going to work on in the house after the foundation is fixed?
(a) Insulating the house.
(b) Patching the roof.
(c) The wiring.
(d) The plumbing.

13. What does Sam buy at Flag Days?
(a) A book of hymns.
(b) An American flag.
(c) A camouflage jacket.
(d) Pom-pom socks.

14. What does Sam say that vets often get in their head?
(a) A notion.
(b) A headache.
(c) An ideology.
(d) A flashback.

15. What type of team does Sam say Emmett should coach for a living?
(a) Women's volleyball.
(b) High school football.
(c) Jello wrestling.
(d) Chess.

Short Answer Questions

1. Tom and Jim are collecting money for whose child that needs an operation?

2. What does Dawn tell Sam is another name for falsies?

3. Who does Sam say a satellite dish on the back of a truck she and her passengers see on the highway belongs to?

4. What is the name of Dawn's boss?

5. What does the injured soldier do on M*A*S*H do that Emmett points out to Anita?

(see the answer keys)

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