Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the occupation of the character Linda meets soon after she arrives at her first destination in the North?
(a) A senator.
(b) A student.
(c) A plantation owner.
(d) A minister.

2. When Linda goes into hiding in Boston, who lives with her there?
(a) Both of her children.
(b) William.
(c) Fanny.
(d) Mrs. Bruce.

3. What does Linda wish to tell Ellen before she departs for boarding school?
(a) Linda wanted to tell Ellen the truth about Aunt Marthy.
(b) Linda wanted to tell Ellen the truth about her father.
(c) Linda wanted to tell Ellen the truth about Emily Dodge.
(d) Linda wanted to tell Ellen the truth about Dr. Flint.

4. Why is Linda reprimanded for sitting with her employers at meal times?
(a) The tables were 'white only'.
(b) The other passengers complained.
(c) The family forbade her to sit with them.
(d) The other nursemaids thought she was rude.

5. What does the letter from Linda's legal owner state?
(a) That Linda was no longer a slave.
(b) That Aunt Marthy was returned to slavery.
(c) That she was 'cordially invited' to join them on their plantation in Virgina.
(d) That Benny and Ellen had been captured and sold.

Short Answer Questions

1. What one lie does the author point out in the letter from Emily?

2. Where is Linda's escape route from the South taking her first?

3. Why does Linda feel that Aunt Nancy is 'slowly murdered'?

4. Who does Linda meet soon after she arrives at her first destination in the North?

5. How is the author of the appendix related to the author of the story?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Linda asked to accompany Mary Bruce on her trip to England?

2. In Chapter 38, Linda returns to America to find that Benny has quit his apprenticeship and begun working on a whaling boat. What events cause Benny to leave?

3. How does the plan for Linda's escape change twice?

4. Once arriving in Philadelphia, Linda has to face the reality that being free in the North still has its downside. What incidents cause Linda to accept this truth?

5. Why is the brief letter written by George Lowther included in the appendix? How does it differ from Mrs. Post's and Mrs. Child's statements?

6. Why does Linda distrust the boat captain?

7. What are some of the reasons why Linda does not want to part from Ellen when Ellen has the opportunity to go to boarding school?

8. After avoiding Mr. Thorpe on several occasions, Mr. Thorpe insists that he and Linda meet. What does Mr. Thorpe tell Linda during this meeting?

9. Why does Amy Post write the appendix for Linda?

10. Describe in detail the letter that Emily Flint sends to Linda.

(see the answer keys)

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