In the Castle of My Skin Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In the Castle of My Skin Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who almost eats the fish G.'s mother has fried?
(a) A black cat.
(b) A stray dog.
(c) A racoon.
(d) Some young boys.

2. Where do Trumper and Bob go after they have waited three hours to find out about the fighting in the city?
(a) They scale fences to get near the train lines.
(b) They walk to Pa's house.
(c) They go home.
(d) The run to the landlord's house.

3. Whose house falls to pieces as men try to move it?
(a) The shoemaker's house.
(b) G.'s house.
(c) Mr. Foster's house.
(d) Pa's house.

4. How is the high school different from the village school?
(a) The high school serves the needs of the poor.
(b) There are too many supervising ministers at the hIgh school.
(c) The high school is less restricted.
(d) The village school is more easygoing.

5. Who is the main protagonist in Chapter 10?
(a) Mr. Slime.
(b) The landlord.
(c) Pa.
(d) Ma.

6. What does the man visiting Mr. Foster in Chapter 13 offer to buy from him?
(a) His car.
(b) His clothing.
(c) His house.
(d) His garage.

7. What question does Pa really want answered by the head teacher in Chapter 13?
(a) How much his house is worth.
(b) When he has to leave.
(c) Why Mr. Creighton sold the land to Mr. Slime.
(d) Why he is being sent to the Alms House.

8. What words does G.'s mother use to feel better about not being able to provide him with a nicer place to live?
(a) The mind is the man.
(b) You live where your bed is.
(c) Any house is a home.
(d) The room is not important.

9. Why does the shoemaker begin to cry in front of his friends?
(a) He wishes he could move to America.
(b) He is thinking about the riots.
(c) He misses his wife.
(d) He is thinking he might have to move.

10. What does "Pa" want Mr. Foster and Bob's father to do in Chapter 9?
(a) Run away from the village.
(b) Ask Mr. Slime what is happening in the city.
(c) Hide in the house.
(d) Go into the city and report back.

11. Whom is G. eavesdropping on at the Miami Club?
(a) Mr. Slime and the head teacher.
(b) His mother and the head teacher.
(c) Mr. Slime and Mr. Creighton.
(d) His mother and Mr. Slime.

12. Why does G. feel it best to be separated for a day from what he found on the beach?
(a) It is too bright.
(b) It would mean more to him.
(c) It confuses him.
(d) So it doesn't hurt him.

13. What is considered by the white man to be the best of Africa's produce?
(a) Clothing.
(b) The people.
(c) Bananas.
(d) Silver.

14. What does Trumper discover in America that is of great importance to him?
(a) Paul Robeson.
(b) That he is of the Negro race.
(c) That there is democracy.
(d) That he misses Barbados.

15. Where are the poor whites on the island originally from?
(a) England.
(b) New Zealand.
(c) Scotland.
(d) Ireland.

Short Answer Questions

1. What field of work do Bob and Boy Blue both enter?

2. What job does the overseer take on?

3. What does Pa think the landlord should do about the land?

4. From whom does G. receive letters in Chapter 11?

5. In what way does Mr. Foster change his attitude toward the new landowner sitting in his home in Chapter 13?

(see the answer keys)

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