In the American Grain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In the American Grain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does De Soto keep his men alive when the maize crop fails?
(a) He gives each man 1/2 pound of pork daily.
(b) He sends the men out to hunt and fish.
(c) He writes to Spain for help.
(d) He rations corn.

2. What happens to Columbus on his return from his second voyage?
(a) He has to travel many miles out of his way because of a storm.
(b) He is refused permission to land in Spain even though there was a terrible storm.
(c) He is forced to turn back and sail to the New World again.
(d) He is forced to leave and sail to England instead.

3. What does Eric the Red say that his life is like now that he has been exiled?
(a) He is more well-admired than ever before.
(b) People try to kill him when they see him.
(c) He is lonely and despondent.
(d) People can steal from him at will.

4. Why does Cortez finally burn the city?
(a) To demoralize the Aztecs so that they would stop resisting him so fiercely.
(b) To destroy a place which would have given refuge to the forces that were opposing him.
(c) To kill the inhabitants of the city who were trapped inside.
(d) To give glory to the Christian God by destroying temples full of idols.

5. What does the narrator say that Queen Elizabeth did not trust Raleigh enough to let him do?
(a) Serve on great councils.
(b) Marry one of her maids.
(c) Go on voyages of exploration.
(d) Serve in the army.

6. Who or what is Mabilla?
(a) The woman who traveled with De Soto and translated for him.
(b) The place Do Soto had heard of, called a "country toward the rising sun."
(c) The river along which De Soto and his men were traveling.
(d) The town where the Tuscaloosa attacked De Soto and his men.

7. Why is Ponce de Leon free to go exploring in Florida?
(a) He is independently wealthy and can do as he pleases.
(b) He has already accomplished all that he came for.
(c) He has been relieved of his job as Governor.
(d) He is not free to go, but goes anyway.

8. What happens to Thomas Morton as a result of the Maypole celebration?
(a) He is kidnapped by the Indians.
(b) He is shot in a fight.
(c) He is arrested and sent back to England.
(d) He is given an award by the colonists.

9. What happens when Bridget Bishop attempts to plead not guilty?
(a) She is denied the chance to hear the witnesses against her.
(b) She is convicted of gross lying in the court.
(c) She is allowed to speak on her own behalf.
(d) She is tortured until she confesses.

10. Does Columbus profit from his trips to the New World?
(a) No, he is left financially ruined and impoverished.
(b) No, but at least the voyages do not harm him financially.
(c) Yes, he is rewarded with all the gold he could ever want.
(d) Yes, he is able to sell many things that he took from the islands.

11. What does Cotton Mather say is the cause of the degeneracy of the New England community?
(a) The Devil is making one more try to debauch the Puritans.
(b) The Indians are setting a bad example for the colonists.
(c) People like Thomas Morton are undermining the values of the community.
(d) Children are becoming undisciplined and grow up to think they can do whatever they wish.

12. How does Williams suggest that Ponce de Leon feels when he hears about Cortez and the wealth of Montezuma?
(a) Angry.
(b) Jealous.
(c) Happy.
(d) Restless.

13. What is the moral of the story about the lusty young man who fell overboard and was hauled back in?
(a) Tenacity and determination can save your life.
(b) It is good to have friends who can help you when you need it.
(c) It is important to pay attention so that you are not swept overboard.
(d) Faith and hope can see you through even tough times.

14. At the beginning of the Introduction, Horace Gregory quotes William Carlos Williams as saying "History, history! We fools, what do we know or care?" What does Gregory think Williams means by this?
(a) It is dangerous to get involved in history.
(b) Most Americans know little of history.
(c) History is full of lies.
(d) History matters only to fools.

15. What pet is Ponce de Leon especially attached to?
(a) A bird.
(b) A dog.
(c) A cat.
(d) A snake.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the following sentence mean? "Rather the ice than their way: to take what is mine by single strength, theirs by the crookedness of their law."

2. How does the death of Juan Ortiz affect De Soto?

3. Which of the following names does the narrator call Raleigh?

4. What does Columbus do when he thinks the ship might capsize?

5. What is the moral of the story about the rough sailor who falls sick, dies, and is thrown overboard?

(see the answer keys)

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