In the Time of the Butterflies Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In the Time of the Butterflies Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Trujillo allow to be released?
(a) Patria
(b) Pedrito
(c) Minerva
(d) Nelson

2. Who does Margarita know at the prison?
(a) A cousin
(b) An uncle
(c) An old lover
(d) A brother

3. How does Patria travel to visit her husband?
(a) She does not visit him
(b) She drives
(c) She walks
(d) She takes a bus

4. Who writes about Minerva’s time in prison?
(a) Patria
(b) Dede
(c) Mary Teresa
(d) Minerva

5. What does Minerva hang her hopes on after she is released from prison?
(a) Letters from Lio
(b) Her husband’s release
(c) An assassination
(d) An invasion

6. Who is forced to watch Mary Teresa be tortured?
(a) All of the above
(b) Leandro
(c) Minerva
(d) Nelson

7. Where are inspectors for the prison sent from?
(a) The United States of America
(b) Mexico
(c) Cuba
(d) Puerto Rico

8. Why is it hard for Patria to visit her husband?
(a) He has been very sick
(b) He has been re-located
(c) She is searched and assaulted every time
(d) She is pregnant

9. What is Puerto Plata?
(a) A church
(b) A school
(c) A military base
(d) A prison

10. Why does Minerva travel with Patria when she visits her husband?
(a) They are in the same place
(b) All of these listed
(c) She is scared to go alone
(d) She loves her sister

11. Why does Trujillo allow someone to be released from prison?
(a) To save on the cost of keeping him locked up
(b) To get cooperation from the family
(c) To hide his real motives
(d) To improve his image

12. What trait does Minerva feel she lost in prison?
(a) Virtue
(b) Respect
(c) Femininity
(d) Courage

13. How did Patria die?
(a) She was beaten to death
(b) She was stabbed
(c) She was poisoned
(d) She was shot

14. What title does Victor have?
(a) Commandant
(b) Commander
(c) Colonel
(d) Captain

15. What does Trujillo say is his biggest obstacle?
(a) The soldiers
(b) The United States
(c) The church
(d) The Mirabal sisters

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Margarita’s last name?

2. What happens to Minerva when what she hoped for after being released from prison doesn’t happen?

3. What does Trujillo say is his second biggest obstacle?

4. What does Patria try to do before she heads home after visiting her husband?

5. What does Minerva fear as she heads to visit her husband?

(see the answer keys)

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