In the Time of the Butterflies Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In the Time of the Butterflies Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Dede see Lio after her sisters’ murder?
(a) A political rally
(b) A reception
(c) A graduation
(d) A dinner party

2. What does Minerva hang her hopes on after she is released from prison?
(a) Her husband’s release
(b) An assassination
(c) An invasion
(d) Letters from Lio

3. Where does the family members not arrested stay while others are in prison?
(a) Mercedes’s house
(b) Rebel headquarters
(c) The farm
(d) Dede’s house

4. What was done to Minerva’s body after she was killed?
(a) It was burnt
(b) It was ripped apart
(c) It was raped
(d) It was thrown off a cliff

5. What kind of prisoners is Mary Teresa kept with?
(a) Political prisoners
(b) Theological prisoners
(c) Homicidal prisoners
(d) All those listed here

6. What happens after Mary Teresa tells someone about her torture?
(a) The torture gets worse
(b) The person she tells is killed
(c) The torture stops
(d) The women are released

7. Who writes about Minerva’s time in prison?
(a) Minerva
(b) Mary Teresa
(c) Patria
(d) Dede

8. How did Dede feel about the rebellion?
(a) She was obsessed with it
(b) She hated it
(c) She was sympathetic to it
(d) She was confused by it

9. Why did Dede never join the rebellion?
(a) She was busy
(b) She was scared
(c) Her husband would not let her
(d) Her husband got sick

10. What do Dede and Lio discuss when they see each other after her sisters’ murder?
(a) Religion
(b) War
(c) Love
(d) Politics

11. What is Margarita’s last name?
(a) Martinez
(b) Guzman
(c) Gonzalez
(d) Mirabal

12. Why is someone forced to watch Mary Teresa be tortured?
(a) To threaten them
(b) To get information
(c) To punish them
(d) To get cooperation from them

13. What was done with Patria’s car after her death?
(a) It was pushed off a cliff
(b) It was sold
(c) It was left on the side of the road
(d) It was blown up

14. What does Patria lose when family members are arrested?
(a) Her business
(b) Her farm
(c) Her son
(d) Her dowry

15. Where does Trujillo talk about his biggest obstacles?
(a) His council
(b) A dinner party
(c) A public meeting
(d) The prison

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mary Teresa experiment with in prison?

2. What happens after Manolo surrenders?

3. Who is Rufino?

4. How does Patria travel to visit her husband?

5. How many women are in the cell with Minerva?

(see the answer keys)

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