In the Time of the Butterflies Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In the Time of the Butterflies Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Patra name her first daughter?
(a) Noris
(b) Newman
(c) Nada
(d) Nelson

2. Why does Minerva’s family leave early from an important party?
(a) Dede gets sick
(b) They know Trujillo is angry
(c) It begins to rain
(d) Lio has to leave soon

3. Where is Minerva’s school as a child?
(a) Callintia
(b) Carmellina
(c) Concepcion
(d) Carnida

4. Where is Lina sent when she gets pregnant?
(a) Brazil
(b) America
(c) Cuba
(d) Mexico

5. How did Sinita’s brother die?
(a) He was in a car accident
(b) Trujillo had him killed
(c) He fell off his horse
(d) He was robbed and murdered

6. Who does Dede talk to about her family?
(a) A priest
(b) A reporter
(c) A therapist
(d) A police officer

7. What makes Dede scared to get close to Lio?
(a) He is married
(b) He is a strange man
(c) He is involved in politics
(d) He is a revolutionary

8. Who is Ramfis?
(a) A son of Trujillo
(b) A guard
(c) A revolutionary
(d) A teacher

9. Who inspires Patria most while she is in school?
(a) Her teacher
(b) Her family
(c) Books
(d) Trujillo

10. What does Lio ask of Minerva with the item he leaves for her when he flees the country?
(a) To track some political people
(b) To send him money
(c) To join him in exile
(d) To destroy some evidence

11. Why does someone try to keep Minerva from having a good career?
(a) Out of jealousy
(b) To protect her
(c) She insulted him once
(d) She is a woman

12. What is Sinita’s last name?
(a) Dominico
(b) Perezo
(c) Gonzales
(d) Ramirez

13. What does Pedro help Patria decide?
(a) To leave her family
(b) To not be a nun
(c) To join the revolution
(d) To finish her education

14. Why does Maria Teresa not like Hilda?
(a) She is a revolutionary
(b) She sleeps around
(c) She is poor
(d) She is American

15. Who discovers Enrique’s illegitimate daughters?
(a) Dede
(b) Mary Teresa
(c) Patria
(d) Minerva

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Hilda have to hide from?

2. What kind of school does Minerva go to?

3. What did Dede’s father predict about her future?

4. What does Lio leave for Minerva when he flees the country?

5. Who narrates the second chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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