In the House of the Interpreter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In the House of the Interpreter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Ngũgĩ think about while walking home at the beginning of the memoir?
(a) His brother Good Wallace.
(b) His friend Kenneth.
(c) His girlfriend.
(d) His teachers.

2. Who ruled Egypt during the Nationalization of the Suez Canal?
(a) Jonyo Kenyatta.
(b) Colonel Matai.
(c) Dedan Kimathi.
(d) Colonel Nasser.

3. What did Ngũgĩ use as a model for the new debate format at his school?
(a) Shakespeare’s sonnets.
(b) Parliament.
(c) The classroom.
(d) Congress.

4. What did Good Wallace tell Ngũgĩ to do to his uniform when he visited him during break?
(a) Keep it clean.
(b) Sell it.
(c) Burn it.
(d) Treasure it.

5. No longer a sanctuary or refuge, what metaphor does Ngũgĩ use to describe Alliance at the start of Chapter 32?
(a) Glasses.
(b) Mirror.
(c) Window.
(d) Binoculars.

Short Answer Questions

1. From where did Ngũgĩ return home in April 1955?

2. Which friend did Ngũgĩ bump into and fail to convert in Chapter 35?

3. What organization was formed soon after Ghana gained its independence?

4. What book did the landscape from the scouting event in Chapter 35 inspire?

5. What word does Ngũgĩ use to describe Alliance High School?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Ngũgĩ learn happened to his mother while he was at school?

2. In what ways does Ngũgĩ say Alliance used schools of the American South as a model when it first opened?

3. What descriptive words does Ngũgĩ use to show the reader what his home looks like upon his first return?

4. What did Ngũgĩ see at the event for Lord Baden Powell that he found most moving?

5. How did Ngũgĩ “pass” the screening in Limuru?

6. What performance did Ngũgĩ help put on in Limuru and what were the two parts?

7. What did they learn of E.K. that gravely disappoints and ultimately disbands the cabal?

8. Why are Ngũgĩ, Wanjai and Leonard late getting back from Nairobi Saturday?

9. What are some of the things that make the new village feel like the old village when Ngũgĩ returns home for Christmas?

10. How does Ngũgĩ describe the homes of the loyal vs. those of the disloyal in Chapter 13?

(see the answer keys)

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